(Xover) How to Use Oversized Plate

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A/N: Okay. First of all, it's a Crossover with The Rising of Shield Hero/Tate no Yuusha.

Second, it's a crack. Pure, full of shitness and rainbow, crack. You don't need to have a big knowledge about the canon, because I will totally ruin it. Just read the summary and you're ready to go.

Third, this is a ridiculous self-indulgent fix-it because I am so bitter how Naofumi was mistreated and how stupid the other heroes are. Yes, I can see that they still don't realize this is a reality and they will have a rude wake up calls--but still. Naofumi is a 100% good ol' Japanese man, a little bit distraught but still have a good head with his Shield weapon, and a little bit naive.

I don't care if it's the core of the plotline but, ugh, seriously, citizen? Heroes? Why are you all so goddamn stupid????

And so, to satisfy my inner rage, I make this one.

Oh, by the way, it may or may not contain spoilers to Tate No Yuusha. Read with caution.


● In which Tsuna was accidentally summoned together with others and much later, adopted Naofumi as his *cough* angery son. Or brother. Or uh, student. Whatever it is.


●Because of Giannini and his another failed experiments, Tsuna was transported into a new dimension. Apparently, Confetti Bazooka was counted as killing weapon. Huh.

● When Tsuna realized that he wasn't in his era anymore, he was really, really glad he had grabbed his emergency backpack. Thank you, Hyper Intuition. At very least he could survive living in jungle.

● Later he was totally weirded out with the sudden situation. Heroes? Calamity Waves? Summoned One? What is this, a world based on RPG? Is this another universe that Byakuran had messed up?

● Talking about [Title], Tsuna would keep silent about his [Job] for now. Really, his titles, other than [Vongola Decimo] and things related to Tri-Ni-Sette, are [He Who Will Give His Piece of Mind]? Rather than title, it sounded like a suggestion. At least gave him a proper title, goddammit.

● And what is this? Aren't those four [Heroes] were too damn young? The oldest one are 22 years old civilian and he were a blatant skirtchaser! Five years younger than him! They all, in Tsuna's opinion, were still too naive. They didn't have any combat experience or how dangerous being roped into this kind of thing! Especially when they degraded the shielded one; Hello, guys? Are you seriously doing that? Trying to break of his trust to you all? That's the walking fortress you mocked there, y'know? The one who would protect you from getting accidentally killed?

Because to be honest Tsuna wanted to have that kind of power. He could've prevent any needless destruction with that! Ah, he could see the upcoming paperwork...

● Tsuna quickly realized one flaw of the system. Since he was not a [Legendary Hero], he could team up with another hero. It seemed his Flame were deemed by the system as a neutral element, which meaning compatible with every [Legendary Hero].

● Cheekily form a party with Naofumi and kidnap him out. His Hyper Intuition had been screaming when the red headed girl, which dubbed as 'Potential Bad End Trigger', and so he tried to save this poor naive kid.

● Tsuna taught Naofumi not to wholly relied upon the system. Even if he couldn't do any damage, didn't mean he couldn't keep a weapon. He also gave him a reality check in order to survive. Just in case, since he had a bad feeling, he bought a book about the law of this kingdom.

● Tsuna was suspicious with how badly the King treated Naofumi, so he borrowed a book about this country's religion and their belief. Apparently, this country held a belief that the Shield Hero was a symbol of evil while the other heroes are the symbol of goodness. It's because the previous Shield holder supported enemy's kingdom.

● Tsuna couldn't blame them. This nation discriminated demi-humans to the point they would enslave those poor little one. He suspected there's a connection between this and previous war, but he stopped his research right there. Better not invite the King's attention.

● To be honest, Tsuna first thought about this fiasco was totally stupid and childish. Holding a grudge to current owner because the previous holder were your enemy? Ridiculous.

● What Tsuna feared had came true. The red haired woman had accused Naofumi for raping her a night before. He quickly put a defense: from the first day they arrived, Naofumi was always with him. They even had witnesses.

● Fortunately, the Sword Hero was easy to convince--well, he was one of the witnesses since they met him on that accused day. But the Bow Hero were still had some doubt. More so the Spear Hero--he was a lost case. That man had too fallen into that woman's trap.

● Naofumi was freed with way better condition than canon. But, now he had lost his trust over this kingdom and grew a trust issue to any people who wasn't his team party.

● Begrudgingly bought a demi-human slave because no one wants to join Naofumi's party and according to Tsuna, slave couldn't tell any lie to their masters. Yet it still felt so wrong for Naofumi to buy a slave.

"You don't have to treat them like slave, Naofumi-kun," said Tsuna. His calm face was in contrast with Naofumi's cringed expression. "It's just on the paper. Treat them like they are your sibling, or at least your friend. Easy to do, right?"

"Easy, you say..." Naofumi sighed in defeat. He had learned quickly to trust Tsuna's judgement. It's pointless to disagree with him. "Okay, okay. But it still leaves some bad taste in my mouth, Tsuna-san."

"Me too. But there's no second option--well, except you allow me to fight for you..."

"No, no. I don't want to depend on you, Tsuna-san. No offense, but you're already helping enough. I don't want to trouble you more than this."

● And the main reason why Naofumi still bought it, even though he kept complaining about it, because he didn't want to trouble Tsuna more. He felt so indebted with previous fiasco. At least, he wanted to show Tsuna his progress wielding the sacred shield.

● On some mean time, Tsuna taught Naofumi about flames. Slowly, he began to open more and more. He even confessed about him involved in mafia world. Imagine Naofumi's surprise when he found out that the gentle-looking and baby-faced Tsuna actually seven years older than him, and a boss to the most feared mafia-turned-vigilante group. No wonder he had vast knowledge in weaponry and fighting.

● Naofumi isn't an active flame user, and Tsuna intended to keep it like that. There's a possibility that both of them came from same world but different timeline, and so he didn't want to mess up his past and future more than this. Yes, he believe there's a way to come back home--it's Vongola, what do you expect?

● Naofumi apparently had three flames, with cloud as his main core. The others two were lightning and storm. Huh, such a contrast with his [Legendary Shield].

● At some point of time, what Tsuna had expected to happen, happened. With a dimension warp, his fagmilia invaded this world. No kingdom could stand a chance fighting their madness.

● On the side, Tsuna could only watching the masses with thousand yard stares while Naofumi offered popcorn to everyone. Couldn't say they didn't enjoy the performance.

● Things Happened. Courtesy, yours truly Reborn. Tsuna refused to reminisce about it, but Naofumi loved it. Reborn became his second favorite people before Tsuna.

● Tsuna is Horrified. Reborn's eyes lit up in wickedness. It seemed he had gained a new favorite person.

● Strangely enough, Naofumi bonded well enough with Kyouya. Maybe it's  because of his nature that couldn't be hated by any kind of animal, the predator one included.

● Naofumi became the honorary member of Vongola; didn't outright join them because he chose to stay at this world to protect them from future Waves. With Giannini's creation, he and Tsuna maintained steady communication. Sometimes visited each other, too. All thanks to Tsuna's job as [He Who Will Give His Piece of Mind] which apparently could create a rip between dimensions. Using that rip, Giannini had built an item that allowed both of them jumped between two universes.

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