(Xover) Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel (Part 6)

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● Tony knew there's something more about his favorite kid, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He just hoped one day Peter shared it to him. Or: The recap of this story from Tony POV. Part 1.

Tony never wanted a kid.

That's the main reason why he always put extra care when he engaged in sexual intercourse. He didn't want to accidentally knock someone and suddenly there's a baby in his arms he had to take care of.

Tony thought having a kid was a total pain in the ass. He certainly didn't need his mini-me causing mayhem here and there like Tony before he publicly became Iron Man or, good lord no, he himself became second Howard Stark. The latter was his greatest nightmare.

Plus, he already heard the horror of taking care of babies. Sleepless nights, wetting the bed countless time, baby vomit, smelly pampers, endless crying, and...

Yeah, right. No baby. Uh-huh.

The successor of Stark Industries? Haha, how cute. He had pointed Pepper to be the CEO. Deciding who would be the next Tony Stark 2.0 was her job, not him.

Tony didn't even care if his bloodline ended with him or Stark Industries met his demise after he was ten foot under.

He wasn't interested. At all.

Count himself out from parenthood. Call him a jerk, but Tony was already satisfied with his current life.

He didn't want any kid to take care of.


His first thought when watched Spider-Man from youtube was, what a horrid costume. That's must be pajamas, I'm sure of it.

Tony was nonplussed when learning the person he had watched was a kid. An honest to God fetus who he certainly didn't even reach puberty stage. He still had baby fat for God's sake!

So a baby going hero time was a thing now. Fucking figures.

Honestly, Tony didn't want to involve this kid with the 'civil war' between him and Steve. But he needed more manpower. He needed another man to help him stop Steve and his team from going rogue.

Tony didn't want to lose people who he could call as his friends.

Desire defied moral. Tony decided to fuck it and went for it.

If this kid gets hurt, it's on me. I'm all to blame. That was his promise to himself as he knocked the entrance to Parker household.

His plan was quite simple. A surprise visit, lying through his teeth, praising her nephew about things here and there, and added some flattery to impress the kid's aunt more.

When the kid's finally arrived, he didn't waste any chance to have a private meeting between two of them. He would intimidate the kid about his alter-ego, told him how he found him, and invited him to join his team.

Of course, with some praise over his web-slinger. That's deserved some recognition. His DIY costume wasn't.

Simple but effective. Manipulating but not harming. That's what the essence of his perfect plan.

Well, if the kid didn't surprise him first.

"So, Spider--"

"You want my help to capture Captain America and his best friend, right, Dr. Stark? For the Accord Act?"

Tony genuinely freaked out that moment. His mind instantly went wild, thinking every possibility why and how the heck his plan had gone wrong. From where the kid know my plan? Is it leaked? Is he HYDRA's agent--no, that's impossible. I have checked his background numerous time. Or maybe it's a fluke? Or--

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