(Xover) Vigilant Spider? More Like Guardian Angel (Part 1)

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A/N: *in monotone voice* horraaay, another crossover. yaay.
This shit reborn after I watched Endgame, and of course, I'm not okay.
Just ate a cheeseburger and cried over it because I know Tony likes it.
Shit. Don't tear up, don't tear up--

● In which Tsuna was reborn as our lovable nerd, Peter Parker in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Oh boy, it seems the heroes are more dysfunctional than he thought. Well, time for some damage control!


● Imagine being 'woke up', a.k.a. realizing that you had been reincarnated and you still remembered your past too well that it felt like just happened yesterday. And of course, you're instantly greeted by favorite uncle's corpse that laid in front of you. How delightful.

Suddenly there's a jolt inside of Peter's mind, absurdly stopped his crying. He sat there, with thousands yard stare, and then blinked.

And blinked.

And blinked.

Later his puppy brown eyes widened, filled with recognition and horror.

"Oh, God," he whispered. "Oh, fuck me in the sideways--am I just reincarnated as a witness of homicide?!"

A pause. Then,

"Oh my fucking God that's uncle Ben, Peter--" him? It's technically himself but at that moment he's too preplexed to remember that he was now no longer Sawada Tsunayoshi. "--Parker's only figure father. God, are you kidding me? Is this some karma because I always stole Reborn's coffee? Oh this is not fair at all."

Sadly his cussing must be halted as the authority had came. Pete--Tsuna didn't know much after that. Before he realized, he had clad in black attire as he watching Ben's funeral.

He glanced at May's solemn expression. He didn't need to use his Hyper Intuition to know what's inside of her mind. He understood very well how hard it was to lost the loved one, especially when now she needed to take care a minor by herself. Her work didn't pay that much, and thus whether she liked it or not she needed another job.

Tsuna wouldn't fault her if she chose to place her in foster care. Low move, of course, but what could he say? Human sometimes can be selfish like that. Especially when reality punched them in the face.

He was genuinely astonished when May didn't even step on that dark thought. Tsuna watched as his aunt stubbornly raised him alone with all of her flaws. He watched as she failed to bake another loaf, came home late at night before leaving at the crack of the sun, paid his school, etcetera.

There's many perfect moments for the to leave him alone, let go his tiny hand and walk away, freeing herself from this uncalled single parenthood.

But, no.

May never let him go.

She kept holding his hand tight, close close close to her. She never wanted to let him go. She was afraid to let him go.

And on that time, Tsuna--Peter, it's no longer Tsuna, he had let his past go, he is now Peter Parker, nephew of May Parker, realized he had underestimated this woman. Even if she was still young, had so many chances to embrace a fresh new page, she was loyal to a fault with Ben, with her promise with his deceased parents to take care of him like he was her own blood.

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