Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to Jayne Collins for putting together our five amazing boys

I woke up the next morning and saw that Nathan wasn’t next to me, or in the room in general. I sat up just as he walked through the door holding two cups. He handed me one and sat down next to me.

“Morning baby.”


“How do you feel?” I could hear the concern in his voice.

“A lot better. Where is everyone? It’s way too quiet for all the girls to be here even if they are asleep.”

“They all went home last night after they found out you were okay. But Tori stayed and Jules left you your bag.”

“My WHOLE suitcase?! It’s just like her not caring if I get back in time or not!”

He just laughed and I drank my tea. I absolutely loved his laugh. I started going into a daydream, because my mind did easily wander, but Nathan got me out of it when he started talking.

“Oh! I have a really big surprise for you when you come down stairs. So go take a shower and get ready, but stay here until I come to get you. Got it?”

“Okay…” I answered kind of sceptically. I didn’t know what he was up to but I’m not sure if it was good or bad. He just gave me that signature smile and a wink before he got up and left. I jumped up as fast as possible without hurting myself and went into the shower.

I came out about half an hour later and got dressed before taking what felt like five million years to dry my hair. Just as I finished brushing it out and was about to put it up, Nathan walked in and took my rubber band.

“Hey, give it back!”

“Nope.” he said as he walked out the door and started down the stairs. I brushed through my hair quickly once more before flying out after him. I got down the stairs and swung myself around the base of the banister before chasing him into the living room where an all too familiar woman stood.

“Oh my gosh, your Jayne Collins.” I just stood in front of her completely speechless.

Nathan just stood slightly behind her, probably using her as a guard, smiling like a maniac at me.

“Yes, I am. Nathan called me this morning and told me that you had a really good voice. He played a recording for me and I was wondering if you wanted to tour with the boys and be an opening act around the States?”

Nathan just stared at me, still smiling like an idiot but with a pleading look in his eyes.

“Oh my gosh, yes, yes, yes, but with just one condition, Tori has to be able to come.” I looked over at Tori as she was holding Tom’s hand.

“Of course she can. There’s enough room on the bus for a hundred people. We can accommodate one more.” Jayne replied while looking at Tori.

She was obviously taken back by the offer. She looked at Tom who gave her a little nod before she looked back at me.

“That would be awesome. But I’m not performing right?”

“No,” Jayne said laughing at the expression on her face.

“Okay.” Tori said sounding quite relieved.

“Alright then. I’ll see you all in three weeks!” and with that she walked out leaving both me and Tori in shock over what had just happened.

As soon as the door closed we both screamed at the top of our lungs just like any teenage girl and that sent half of the guys out of the room and the other half just covering their ears hoping they didn’t go deaf. We just kept on screaming and jumping around like little girls who just met the princesses in Disney World, hugging each other like there was no tomorrow.

We finally split up and went over to our guys. Yes, Tori was officially dating Tom and I was quite proud because they were so cute together. I went over to Nathan when the others left the room and wrapped my arms around his neck while staring into his eyes. He just smiled at me like he had been the whole time.

“Why did you do that?”

“Do what?” he asked while smiling down at me.

“Record me and tell Jayne.”

“Well I thought that your voice was amazing, but I never recorded you. The boys recorded your voice when they heard you singing last night and showed me this morning. We decided to tell Jayne to see if you could be an opening act since we didn’t have one.”

I turned around to see all of the guys standing in the doorway smiling at me. I went over and hugged each and every one of them. When I pulled away I finally looked at all of them questioningly.

“So which one of you actually recorded me?”

Jay slowly raised his hand while staring at the floor.

“Well thank you Mr. McGuiness.” I said smiling and he looked up and smiled too. “Wait, I don’t have enough clothes for three weeks plus a tour. I’m gonna need to get stuff from home. Do we know where we’re flying into?”

“No not yet why?” Nathan said.

“Well if we can fly into Detroit then Tori and I can get our stuff. That way we won’t be living off of just ten outfits.”

“I don’t see why we can’t fly into Detroit. Plus it’ll be neat to see where you live.” Max said from the door way.

“Well I don’t live in Detroit. I live in Grosse Pointe.” As soon as I said that I got five looks of confusion. “You don’t know where that is, do you?”

“Uh, no, we don’t.” Tom said when nobody else would speak up.

“Well you guys will see it when we go.”

And with that Nathan and I went upstairs so he could show me the schedule and apparently hear me sing more.

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