Chapter 29

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I woke up later and saw from the window that we had left Chicago. I sat up and forgot how low the ceiling was because I hit my head giving me a banging headache. I swung my legs over the edge of the bunk and sat there for a moment, not having enough energy to actually get up. I finally hopped down and thankfully landed on my feet.

I padded down stairs and was greeted by everyone except Tom and Tori. Apparently, they were still asleep because I woke her up so early. I sat down on the arm of the sofa and felt like I was about to fall asleep again. I looked around and noticed that Nathan was standing next to the counter smirking at me.

“Oh! You just want what you saw earlier!” I said to him knowing the look that was on his face.

“So true!” he answered as he sat down with a plate at the booth.

Everyone was giving us weird looks and we just started laughing as I came over and sat down next to him. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him as Max started talking.

“So we’re on our way to Minneapolis. That’s for two days so we’ll be staying in a hotel.”

“Okay fine by me. How many rooms will there be?”

“There will be five. Kev and Martin in one Jayne in another then we have to sort out the last three for us.” Siva answered seeing as everyone was caught up in the movie that they were watching.

“Well let’s leave one for Tom and Tori or else one if not both are going to be grumpy from not getting enough sleep.” I thought aloud.

“I would like one seeing as you four get mad at how long I take in the morning.” Nathan said directing it at Siva, Max, Jay and Tom who had just come down the stairs.

“What are we talking about?” Tom asked through a yawn.

“Room arrangements.” I replied as I thought some more. Tori was still nowhere in sight so I expected that she was still asleep. “Alright so I guess that Tori and Tom will have a room to themselves, Max, Siva, and Jay will share and then I’m with Nath.”

“I don’t care where I sleep as long as I’m in a bed.” Jay stated to no one in particular.

“Fine with me. Tori won’t wake up until we’re there anyways.” Tom said sleepily as he made some tea.

“Can’t wait.” Nathan whispered in my ear in a way that sent chills down my spine. I didn’t even have to look at him to know that he had an extremely sexy smirk playing at his lips.

After I snapped out of my trance that he put me in, Tom came over and sat across from us. I could see the top of his tea and saw that he had a ton of milk in it, as it was almost white. I took a glance at Nathan’s and his was a few shades darker, but still had a ton in it. I took a moment to think before I got up and looked in the rest of their mugs and then looked at my own. They all were staring at me like I was insane before I started talking.

“Why do Brits put so much damn milk in their tea?” I questioned staring into my mug.

“No, why do Americans think that tea should be consumed with nothing in it.” Jay retorted quickly.

“No, I put honey and lemon in mine.” I shot back.

“I like her.” Max said bluntly while pointing in my general direction and keeping his eyes locked on the television.

“Ugh, can someone just explain why you guys put a ton of milk in your tea… PLEASE!”

“I think it’s just ‘cause we grew up like that.” Nathan said after everyone was sat in silence thinking of why they actually do put milk in their tea.

“But don’t you ever want to change it up a bit?”

“Well Jay will change it up for us.” Siva said while giving a death glare at Jay who was giving me a smug grin.

“Two words… hot sauce.”

“Where do you guys get these crazy ideas?! I mean muscle relaxants in Martin’s drink, hot sauce in tea…” I was interrupted by Martin who over heard our conversation.

“That was not funny. Our first time in Detroit and they nearly kill me.” he said through the door in the most serious tone.

We all started cracking up and must have been too loud for Tori. There was a loud thud from above us and soon enough Tori came pounding down the stairs completely ticked with us.

“Twice, TWICE I have been woken up this morning!” she exclaimed not looking at any of us as she made herself some tea. I noticed that she had started to put milk in her tea.

“You traitor!”

“Wot?! Wot on earth did I do now?!” she exclaimed in her imitation of a British accent.

“You! You put bloody milk in your tea!” I said in my British accent. We always would do our accents when we were pretending to be mad at each other. Whoever cracked first would lose.

We stared each other down for a moment before we both broke into fits of laughter simultaneously. When we calmed down all five of the guys were just staring at us in shock. This just made us laugh even more.

After explaining to them that we could never be mad at each other and that we started this contest thing when we were twelve, I went upstairs to get ready for the day. Little did I know that someone was following me.

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