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Inked.JK/ my bitch and I on this cute ass boys ig

185,997💜 170,123💬

3dolla/ Hobi is so cute, his bubbly smile

infires.bitch/ if only i was in the middle

tatted.KTH/ your tats are my life

hobi.bitch/ im not your bitch, i am your hyung awe you guys are so cute, look at your smile Jungkookie

-Inked.Jk/ thanks baby, you're cute too ;)



Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. i'm cute right? or am i just average?

250💜 170💬

bam.bam/ no. not even close to average

me.irene/ i think you're just adorable, i love you crescent eyes

yung.kimin/ od say yur blew averge (i'd say you're below average)

-Inked.JK/ bitch you can't even spell, nor use proper grammar, come at my baby again

Inked.JK/ you're beautiful baby. never drop that smile of yours thank you so much Jungkook for both comments. i promise i wont


I scream into my pillow for about 30 minutes, not wanting to get another beating right after the one I just got for wearing pants. Jungkook is the only thing that is making me happy right now in this whole world. He calls me baby, usually I wouldn't like it considering the fact that my father calls me that when he touches me, but coming from Jungkook it seems calmer and sweeter. He stuck up for me, no one does that nowadays. Since I was young my mom stuck up for me a lot, but every since she left, no one has. Calls me freaking beautiful and says i should never drop my smile.

I feel like I'm in another world, one where it's just me and Jungkook. All bad things are gone, only good and happy things sat in our way. Somewhere where I could be free with him, hand in hand, as we embrace each other. Like an unreal world, an untrue world. A paradise, heaven even. I just know that it's soon to come true, I could just feel it.

I can hear my father calling me from downstairs. I get up and removed my shorts exposing my figure. I put my phone on the table and quickly run downstairs.

"Yes father?" I came and stood in front of him.

"Clean this up for me and I want you to go to the store and pick up five packs of liquor, cigarettes, and something to make me dinner only."

I nod and began cleaning the empty liquor bottles and cigars, along with other trash and put them into the trash bin.

"I'm finished father." I stood in front of him with my hands behind me. "Good boy, now go to the store for daddy." I cringe at that name. But I bow and head up to my room.

I searched my closet for clothes to wear. Something simple but not too simple. I want to see if I could find Jungkook's shop. Am I risking getting into lots of trouble, yes, but I wanna meet him.

I quickly pull up my white ripped skinny jeans and pull on a yellow hoodie that had tiny bunnies all over it. I then put on my UGGs and head out the door, not forgetting any money.

I walk along the streets of downtown Busan. Many people was walking around as well. I asked many of them for directions to the shop. Luckily someone named Namjoon helped me out.

I walked until I saw the shop ahead of me. The lights on it were very bright and pretty. I hesitated before walking in as all heads turned to me.

"*Whistles* look at you. Pretty boy." A man said walking up to me. "H-hi, I'm looking for Jeon Jungkook. Know him?"

The man looked disappointed but nodded. He pointed towards the back of the studio and told me he was there.

I simply walked back as everyone kept their eyes at me, even the women.


"Isn't that your baby coming over?" Hoseok asked pointing in the direction a little boy was. I look at the small male and saw him smile. I immediately knew it was him by that intoxicating smile. I quickly put all my needles down and the cleaning supplies.

"Hi Jungkook!" He squealed smiling extremely hard. "Hi baby! Omg, you're so much cuter in person." I held my arms open wide as he quickly stepped forward letting me wrap them around his waist as he did my neck. "You must be Hobi. I'm Jimin." He held his hand out to Hoseok wanting to shake.

"It's actually Hoseok. But you're welcome to call me whatever you'd like." Hoseok said before letting Jimin's hand go. "So what brings you here?" I simply asked finishing sanitizing the art supplies.

"I was running errands for my father and asked for directions here to meet you. But I have to leave soon, because I came straight here after leaving my house."

"You want me to take you? I can take you." I stood up and went for my jacket.

"Oh no. No. If he sees you, he'll beat the doodoo outta me." He seemed legitimately afraid.

"Are you sure? I can take you, and just stay behind or something. I don't want you walking into the city by yourself."

"No, please. I'm fine Jungkook, really." He said. Hoseok thought I should go with him, but he wouldn't give in and let me take him.

"Well, alright then. I guess I'll see you again soon?" I say sitting back at my table.

"Definitely, now that I know where the studio is."

"Wait how old are you?"

"I'm 19. I'll be 20 in two months from now." He told me. He's so small and petite for his age.

"Oh okay cool. Well I'll see you later baby."

He gave me a quick hug and smiled at me before leaving.

"He's so innocent looking. And so tiny. He is a actual baby."

Hoseok said sitting next to me. "Yeh, you're right. But I'm worried about him. Did you see his face when he said his dad would beat the shit outta him? What if he wasn't joking? What if he does get beatings? Hoseokie hyung I'm worried."

"I saw the look he gave you. And yes I agree maybe he is telling the truth, but we don't know it all. We should at least get to know him more first before we jump to conclusions and try to save him. Okay bro?"

"Alright then. That's why we're friends now. You always make me feel better. I love you man."

I nudged his arm as he ruffled my hair.


Ha! Ha!

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