Chapter 23 ®

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Jungkook and I were cuddling together on the couch after he gave me a bath.

We were watching some weird movie. It was about zombies that had sex with humans then ate them. It was so weird.

"Kookie, this is disgusting. How do zombies even fuck?"

"But it's hilarious."

"Can I FaceTime Hobi hyung?"


I went and took my phone from the bedroom and sat at the dining room table.

Hey pretty boy

Hi hyungie,
whatcha doin

Just watching TV

Can you come over?

I looked up at Jungkook, hoping he was okay with it.

Uhhhh I guess so
What the boss say

He said it's alright

Alright cutie
I'll be there soon

See ya later

I hung up and laid back down with Jungkookie. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head.

"You're so adorable baby."

"I know."

Soon there was a knocking at the door. I hopped to my knees and squealed.

"It's hobi hyung."

Jungkook went to open the door and I ran to Hoseok.

"Hi hyungie! I missed you so much! I missed you so much I could kiss you."

"I missed you too sweetie."

I got down and pulled him to the couch.

"Yo JK, I started watching this movie last night. It's crazy bro."

"I know, but Jimin doesn't like it. I was about to turn it off."

"No I wanna finish it with you Kookie."

"Well seems like he changed his mind. Plus I stopped watching it right here before I left."

I laid down between Jungkook and Hoseok. My lower body on Hoseok and my upper body on Kookie.

Jungkookie played in my hair, whilst Hoseokie played with my hands.


"Yes pretty boy?"

"I want it again."

I whispered. His eyes went large. He looked over at Hoseok.


"Nothing. Jimin just.... never mind."

He averted his sight back to me.

"Let him do it too. I'd like to-"

"Do not say it. Just wait."

"I don't want to."

I whined sitting up feeling my bulge get tighter.

"Hey, what's going on ?"

"I want to have sex right now."

Hoseok looked shocked.

"Well um I'll leave."

"He wants to do it with you too."

"A threesome? Is that why you asked me to come over?"

I nod looking down shamefully.

Hoseok lifted my chin up and kissed my lips. It was different than Kookie. But it was just as nice. Maybe, I don't know.

"If it's alright with you. I'm in."

I looked up at Jungkook with my puppy face and basically forced him to say yes.

"Alright I guess, you already done kissed him. You better not think about this afterwards. And Jimin, you better not ask to do this ever again."

No one

Jimin jumped with joy as he took both Jungkook and Hoseok's hands leading them into the bedroom.

"Jimin after this, we're done for sometime."


Jimin whined as he took his shirt off.

"What do you mean for sometime?"

"He's been wanting me to fuck him everyday. We did it last night. Then this morning. And now. Three times in a row. And don't forget on his birthday too."

"Have you ever thought about it being him missing his father?"

Hoseok whispered to Jungkook not wanting to startle the boy.

"I thought so, but three and a half months later? And the way he talked about hating what he did to him, you really think so?"

"It could be possible. Take some time to ask him later."

"What are my tops waiting for? Come and fuck me."

Jungkook and Hoseok looked at each other and took a leg and pulled Jimin to the middle of the bed.

"Ah! Wait wait."

"What's wrong baby?"

"Don't..break me."

Jungkook and Hoseok chuckled.

"I have an idea."

Jungkook went to hi closet and got a scarf to tie over Jimin's eyes. He and Hoseok removed their clothing and got ready.

"Damn, I knew you were packin but not this much."

Hoseok says eyeing Jungkook's body.

"He's mine Hobi."

Jimin says as he laid in the bed waiting for their next moves.

July 27, 2019

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