DeltaRune Papyrus- Come on Out

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I actually can't do titles so this'll be great

The Town was filled with several busy monsters. Going to and from work and school, all the sidewalks had an occasional someone strolling by.

The weather was perfectly crisp, dead leaves on the trees rocking off the branches and meeting the grassy ground. You were feeling a little down that evening, unfortunately, so you stopped by the diner for some hot chocolate to cheer you up.

The diner was pretty empty, so you were glad your business was doing some good. You walked up to the counter shyly.
"Uhm, hello..." You spoke, your voice cracking from lack of use within the past few hours.

The bunny at the counter smiled widely at you, her eyes gleaming. "Why, hello, Y/N~! I suspect you want the usual?"

She remembered you... and she hadn't mentioned Asriel. You were relieved; the constant connection people make between you and your brother was starting to get on your nerves.

"Yes, please." You smiled back. The lady turned around, then proceeded to add hot milk to cocoa powder. She spiraled some whip cream on top, and sprinkled it all with a handful of marshmallows and cute autumn-themed sprinkles.

"I-isn't that extra...?" You honestly didn't have very much cash to spare. The lady shook her head, her purple bunny ears bobbing.
"On the house. Anything for a favored costumer o' mine and the sibling of Asriel."

"Aaww, thank you!" You looked past that last part, took the beverage graciously, then walked outside. "Have a nice day!"

"You too, baby!"

Autumn breezes cooled off your cocoa enough for you to take a sip, and you melted into the sweet taste. Things were looking more pleasant for you after all. So you kept walking for a while, knowing Toriel wouldn't mind.

While walking, you noticed a short skeleton standing outside of a modest house... his round face seemed distraught, which you couldn't help but sympathize for.

"Excuse me..." You approached the stout skeleton, catching his immediate attention, "Is something bothering you...?"

He perked up slightly, no longer slouching against the house's rustic doorway.

"what's it to ya?" He responded hotly, taking you aback.

"Oh, uhh, you're right."
You spun around, "I'm sorry, I'll be going."

"no, wait--" He sighed, fingers rubbing the space between his eyesockets.
"i'm... i'm sorry. 's been a long day. i was jus' suprised you asked."

You could understand that feeling whole-heartedly. A soft smile graced your lips, your shoulders relaxing gently.
"That's okay."

"yeah, uhh... this is gonna sound silly, 'specially to a stranger, but my brother's being stubborn."

Again, you could relate. You smile wider.

The skeleton resumed,
"i've been trying to get him to come outside of the house to meet new people, new friends, y'know? we jus' moved here, and i already have a new pal."

You nodded slowly, "You guys just moved here?"

He shoved both of his hands into the pockets of his baggy, blue hoodie,
"that's right. 'few weeks ago, now."

"Well maybe you should invite your friend over to your house, so he can meet her! That'd be a start!" You offered, but the skeleton shrugged.

"i've already thought of that, but she's a busy lady. she's got a teaching profession, or somethin'."

You grinned, suddenly very friendly,
"No way! You mean Toriel!?"

"yeahh...?" He smirked.

"Well, gosh, Toriel's my mother."

Delighted, both of you shook hands and exchanged casual conversation. He learned your name, and you discovered his as 'Sans'. Something was strangely comforting about this man despite the fact you had never met him before... talking with him was abnormally easy for you.

Papyrus could hear your muffled and unfamiliar voice from his window, your laughter drifting up to the heavens. He poked behind his curtain to find a stunningly attractive human interacting with his dorky brother. The two of you were obviously bonding very happily, and Papyrus had felt his soul flip inside his chest.
It had been ages since he's made a new friend, and one like you seemed ideal.
Sans was great and he loved him dearly, but someone else beside him would serve him well. Excitedly, he got dressed and ran downstairs, eager to greet a new pal.

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