A Good Team

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Before this chapter begins (you may skip this, if you'd like), I really need to thank OattyTrees for mentioning me in the latest update of her Papyrus x Reader. I know it's cheesy, and it doesn't seem likely, but I really enjoy her writing and it has helped me through interesting times, to say the least! The self-insert community can be both loving and deprecating, no matter the fandom, and because of that I was in a weird place with my interests for the longest time. You know when you read a fanfiction that you just really look forward to, and every time it updates you get very excited? It's like a present, and that's how it was with me and OattyTrees' story!! I really like the way she writes, and even though she is "ending" that work, I will still continue to support her and her writing, as should you. So thank you for that, thank you very much, just for everything. I'm a very sentimental person, I apologize for rambling, just--- AAHHHhhhH thank youuu!!! Enjoy this simple chaaappterrr

The dark gymnasium had three dim, amber lights shining down onto the audience. The room was strong with the stench of flowery cologne, burrowing inside your nose and practically taking the breath out of your lungs. You had seven seats next to you in the front of the gym, each chair covered with bags and purses and dress jackets you brought from home in order to save the spots without conversing with fellow spectators.

You were feeling a little impatient at this moment. You arrived at the school early, where you promised to meet Frisk and their family. They had invited you to their third grade choir concert, as well as practically every monster from the Underground. You were genuinely excited to see Frisk, brown hair curled into tight little ringlets, mouthing along, unable to vocalize like the other children on stage.

An elegant yet startling voice called out to you, gaining your attention. You turned your head to see Toriel, guiding Undyne, Alphys, Napstablook, Asgore, Mettaton, Sans, and Papyrus behind her.

"Hello, dear!!"

You stood, looking frazzled, taking your items from the chairs to make room for everybody. Papyrus rushed toward you in a flurry of energy, hugging you tightly to his chest. He, similar to everyone else, was reeking with Versace cologne.

"Papyrus!" You giggled out, and he dropped you to the ground. Taking the seat directly next to you, he smiled kindly.


You then received hugs from the others, all in a similar fashion.

"H-hiya, Y/n!"

"Heya, punk!"

"Hello, beautiful~!"

"Oh ... hi, y/n...."

"Good evening, human!"

"heya, bud."

"Hello everyone!" You replied, face warm from overwhelming affection and friendly greetings.

Toriel sat beside you finally, sandwiching
you between her and Papyrus.

"Sorry we were late, my child." Toriel spoke gently, hiding her evident shame. "Frisk wanted their hair to look absolutely flawless, and Mettaton had trouble combing out their tangles..."

You smiled, picturing their frizzy and shaggy hair twisted messily upright, your friends surrounding them with sour expressions of frustration. You laughed timidly, imagining Sans wildly spraying detangler at their untamed locks as if it were repellant.

"That's alright, I've just been sitting here. You didn't take that long." You offered, knowing that she would excuse your apology with a rebuttal, anyway.


You smiled at him merrily, Toriel nodding and placing a large paw on your shoulder, "That is right."

Papyrus x Reader- Oneshot Booklet 💕Where stories live. Discover now