Who's Your Daddy (part 2)

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Lolol happy mother's day! Isn't this appropriate? You guys ordered a second part, and I'm here to deliver! Hope you enjoy! ♡♡♡

All the lights were off, with the exception of the television's soft glow. Papyrus was scarcely paying attention to the black-and-white film on screen. It was nice background noise, though; there was a low, fuzzy quality to the audio that was full of solace for the skeleton. That, mixed with the muffled patter of raindrops hitting the window panes in your shared apartment.

You had finally put your kids to bed, and were now snuggling on the couch. Papyrus's long, lanky legs stretched across the cushions, maneuvering around your more plump, fleshy ones. You were laying your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his beating soul.

His fingers combed through your locks, his languid gaze watching you kindly. "Y/N...?" He said with a heavy voice, thick from exhaustion.

"Hmm?" You hummed curiously, barely staying awake yourself.

"Do you... think I'm doing a good job?"

Papyrus had seemed to be questioning his parenting methods lately, so you were not suprised with this notion. He was uncertain if he was making the kids the right foods, if he was guiding them to do the right things, if he was giving the right advice...

For the first time, it felt as though he was doubting himself. You had prepared a comforting answer specially for this moment. "I think so, sweetie. You really get along perfectly with the kids."

His laugh was small and gloomy, causing you to become uneasy. "Thank you, Y/N. You always know what to say."

"Are you alright, Papyrus...?"

He sighed sweetly at the sound of his name flowing out from your mouth. The way your sleepy, almost sultry tone pronounced each syllable filled his heart with joy.

The skeleton took a moment to gush, carefully taking your head to kiss your hair. "I'm perfectly okay! Just a bit... ohh, I don't know..."

You shifted to look at blushy face. "Don't forget, I'm here for you."

"I know you are." He smiled genuinely, "I can see you right there, in front of me!"

Weakly, you chuckled. "... I mean I'm here to listen."

"Oh," His grin fluctuated. "Yes. Thank you, gorgeous."

Your face heat up a bit, just enough that is was easy to ignore. "Papyrus..."

"I can admit, I'm a bit intimidated by other parents, now that we have another child." He sighed.

"Intimidated? How so?"

You as a couple rarely came across judgment in public, but it did occur occasionally. You were frightened that it would affect Papyrus in the long run, for it always seemed to bother you much more than him; he was oblivious to any hint of criticism.

"Well, I suppose it was a bit easier to fathom having one, but now that we have two..."

You blinked. I guess he hasn't recognized the questionable looks... thank God.

"D-don't get me wrong--!!" He waved his hands, a jolt of panic, "I don't regret having either of them, not at all! They're blessings. You're a blessing."

You were touched, blushing more profusely this time. "H-huh--?"

"You're a blessing. I can't imagine my life without you anymore." He chirped sweetly.

"Y-you... also." You responded breathlessly, receiving another kiss on the head.

"But, ahh, I really really want to let them know that, too. I want to make them feel so special, because they are, and I don't want them to doubt themselves, like I am... right... now...." He hesitated, putting a finger to his chin. "Am I... being hypocritical??"

"No, Papyrus," You sat up so you could face him, and ended up stumbling in the process. "Y-you--"

Your legs were spread apart and hovering just above his abdomen, face centimeters away from his. Slowly, he drew in a flustered gasp, breath hitching his he searched your beautiful eyes.

"Am I making you proud...?" He mewled.

You nodded, "Is that all you wanted? To make me proud?"

Thoughtfully, he said, "Maybe..." Then he leaned in, closing the gap with a doughy, almost pliant kiss. It was soft and gentle, melting your heart. You grinned, pulling out of it.

"Yes! Yes, I'm so proud of you." You giggled, "You're the best father ever. Not to be weird, but I wish I could have had you as my dad."

The shame of saying that had struck in an instant at the sight of his asumed expression. You averted your attention instantaneously, suddenly interested with the flick on TV.

"Really?? Do you mean that??" He blurted.

"Uhmm. Sorta."

"Not to be weird, but I wish I could have had you as a mom!!" He beamed, "Nyeheh!!"

Then Papyrus swooped in with another smooch. You squeaked from the suddenness of the gesture, eyes fluttering

He pulled back shyly, "Happy mother's day, my love...!"

Papyrus x Reader- Oneshot Booklet 💕Where stories live. Discover now