Idol!Papyrus x Idol!Reader (part 3)

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Y'all are so great. The third part of the idol series, as requested by the wonderful MarcyDaHooman!! Hope you enjoy!! ♡♡♡

Spending time with your idols was a dream come true, to say the least. It was even more exhilarating to witness them behind the scenes, as they acted much more casual and honest in privacy. Although, each of their little quirks morphed into revealing a few of their flaws.

Mettaton was sometimes overbearing and a bit narcissistic. Because he was appointed leader of the band and gained the most popularity, he liked to take charge. He would often come off as a bit sassy toward the others, which intimidated you endlessly. You wanted to show him you respected his authority, so you tended to back off. That made it a struggle to have your opinions be heard.

Sans was very hard to motivate and procrastinated too much. He would almost always have to be dragged around by his little brother in an attempt to get him to contribute. He would always fall asleep during meetings and discussions, his efforts lacking whenever it was his turn to record.

Napstablook was painfully sensitive. You learned to watch yourself around him, for he was as fragile as an annealed glass. His tears would immediately start to fall after the slightest tease. When you were frustrated, you went out of your way to avoid him so he wouldn’t get hurt.

You learned shortly after joining that the best person to vent to was Papyrus. He wasn’t full of the most rich wisdom, but he was sincere, and you could tell he tried his best when giving advice. Whenever a busy day was on the horizon, he prepared himself to be a trusty shoulder for you to lean on.

As the stress and anxiety of the album’s release rolled around, Papyrus could sense the subtle angst building up inside of you. You would silently fume to yourself during recording sessions when Mettaton made you re-do your part. You would bite your lip when someone directed the tiniest bit of pressure toward Napstablook. You clamped your hands into tight fists whenever Sans was on the brink of dozing off.

You hoped and prayed Papyrus hadn’t noticed all these little details about you, but of course he did. He had observed you from the first time to the last, noticing the sudden shift in your mannerisms whenever you were unsettled. And these were only things caused from inside the band’s tight circle.

Outside was a swirling whirlpool of drama. Rumors had spread about you and the band having scandalous affairs, which helped you earn loads of unwanted hate. It did spark your popularity, making your songs on the trending more than once. You tried not to complain because of this, but the turmoil of your new career was coming in hot, almost too hot to handle.

The day was coming to an end, the sky kissed with soft pastel tones. Baby blue and bubblegum pink clouds floated gracefully above the sea, the waves swallowing the setting orange sun. Summer was in the air, and out on the balcony of the studio, you realized you could finally breathe.

You loved the experience of working with all these amazing people, but embarrassingly, you had expected them to be flawless. You pictured them to be almost automated; if you were to suggest an idea or lyric to them, they would bless it instantly with their talents, molding it into a heavenly sample that you would forever cherish. Alas, it wasn’t that easy.

Never did fights break out, but there were plenty of heated moments. Cooling off in the soft Los Angeles breeze polished you right up. You were turning to head back inside when Papyrus was opening the sliding glass door. “Oh,” You respired out, perking up at the sight of his cheery smile.


“Not at all. Actually, please do!” You nodded, stepping back slightly to give him some elbow room.

Papyrus x Reader- Oneshot Booklet 💕Where stories live. Discover now