Idol!Papyrus x Idol!Reader (part 2)

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As suggested by the fabulous budgieboi3!! Hope you enjoy! ♡♡
Also, hey, y'all, I didn't even notice until now but whAO!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS!! And votes too, I really appreciate it! ^^

New York City was huge and bustling with character, just as you had expected. People filed themselves into straight and narrow lines all around the airport. Conversations were dulled down to a low hum in some parts, while in other parts you could barely hear yourself talk.

Leaving the airport was no simple task. You had to dance and shimmy your way through crowds, tripping over nothing several times. A girl chewing pink bubblegum appoarched you out of nowhere.

"Hey, wait!" She yelped, running to your side. She was a bit shorter than you, hair curly and brown, freckles speckling her almond-shaped face. "Are you Y/N?"

"Y-yes, hello...!" You grinned, gathering your cool.

The girl beamed. "I'm a huge fan of your album!"

Your eyes glistened. This was your first face-to-face encounter with a fan. "Really? Oh thank you!"

"Of course! The songs are really good. I absolutely love your style." She clasped her hands together, looking at you with pure endearment.

If you didn't feel famous before, you certainly did now. "That's so sweet of you to say... what's your name?"

"Charlie." As soon as the answer came out, a man behind her waved her over.

"Oh," You smiled sadly. "I think somebody wants you."

She groaned, taking your hand and shaking it cheerfully, "It was literally so awesome to meet you."

"You too! Have a good day!"

Charlie ran off toward the man, you staring longingly. She seemed nice, if only you could have chatted more. She told the man something, using excited gestures. You flushed, assuming she was explaining your previous meeting.

Clutching your suitcase, you turned to leave when Charlie's voice burst through your thoughts. "Y/N, wait!!"

You gazed over your shoulder, Charlie and the man, as well as a few other strangers, all there, basking in your radiance.

"Hello..." You squeaked, triggering the group to shove pens and pads of paper toward you.

"Can I get your autograph?"

"I just adore your work!"

"Please sign my copy of your album!"

"Could you make this out to 'Bob'?"

You picked a pen and a piece of paper, writing your signature repeatedly. It was laborious to accomplish, everybody squirming like a litter of disquiet newborn puppies.

"Thank you all, seriously," You said gratefully. "This is a lot of love. I really appreciate it."


A jolt of panic surged inside your chest, making you freeze. The crowd suddenly yelped out in, leading for other crowds to do the same. Everyone rushed over, a vessel wrapping their arms around you from the back.

Your face became as bright as a campfire. You recognized the voice in an instant, there was no questioning who it belonged to. And that voice... that heavenly voice... was hugging you.

"Papyrus, darling...!"

Laughter, followed by, "paps, oh my gosh, let them down."

"looks like he found them......"

"Uh-u-uhmm--" You croaked out, turning your head, eyes dangerously close to the one and only Great Papyrus's.

Your blush increased to a hazardous level; you were sure you would faint in his grasp amongst the audience. "HELLO, Y/N!" He chirped, smiling brightly.

You choked on his cuteness. "Uhm-- hhh-hi--"

Mettaton rushed over, alarmed by the deep red colour, tinting your complexion. "Good heavens, I am so sorry for his impulsiveness, Y/N...!"

"M-Mettaton... oh my god--" You wobbled as Papyrus released you, only for him to get on his knees and steady you. His hands held both your shoulders, the boys examining you with worry.

"hey, pumpkin, are you okay?" Sans stepped into view, just behind Papyrus and Mettaton. Napstablook hovered to your right.

"yeah... do you need something....?" He asked, practically breathing in your ear. You would later reflect on this moment and dub it as the most embarrassing thing that you could ever get mixed up in.

They expected you to be more professional, you realized. They were probably hoping you wouldn't be a fan, but here you were, swooning in the middle of them and a growing, hyper mob.

"I-I'm sorry," You chuckled dryly. "You just... suprised me, is all, and it's... q-quite hot in here."

"We understand, beautiful." Mettaton said through a gentle grin, making your knees lock together.

OKAY DO THEY KNOW I'M A FAN??? ARE THEY AFTER ME????? You thought frantically, attempting to straighten your posture.

"I APOLOGIZE FOR STARTLING YOU, Y/N." Papyrus grinned bashfully. "ALLOW ME TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR LUGGAGE!!" He lifted up the suitcase playfully, slinging it over his shoulder as if it were a backpack. You gawked at his strength; you packed that suitcase full of your necessities.

"ready to get goin'? we have a lot to do, a lot to caught up on!" Sans rubbed your back enthusiastically, a giggle escaping your lips.

"I-- can't wait!!"

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