Change (part 2)

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As suggested by my friend, undertalefan2004! Thank you, I hope you enjoy ♡♡♡

Your eyes fluttered open to meet rays of sunlight. They pierced your sight, making you squint in alarm and turn away. The thick covers of your bed rustled loudly, catching you off-guard.

You sat up quickly, recalling your new job. Your new room. Memories of yesterday flooded your mind; including that strange encounter with a newcomer to the Surface.

What was his name again? Something foreign to you, something you have never heard as a human name. He was a tall skeleton, with an square chin and bright smile, his figure lean and almost dainty.

"... You seem lovely."

Your sleep was deep and refreshing, leaving you satisfied. The clock on your bed stand told you it was an hour before noon, which suprised you. You had thought for sure that it would be later than that.

Feeling well-rested, you left the warmth of your bed and decided to get dressed. Your alarm had been set for 12 p.m., with the assumption that you needed extra sleep.

Getting dressed, you remembered more about your new friend.


You smiled, rushing out the door with anticipation. Turning corners and speeding down the hallway, you skidded across the hotel floors. You passed many faces, some of which greeted you while others wrinkle their noses or stubbornly glare. Most days, you would have been repulsed, offended, maybe even scared but those reactions. They were judging you, jealous of your energy and happiness. But you couldn't help it, so you strode right past, grinning like an idiot.

The taste of such rich excitement was something you rarely received. You remembered when you were younger, and how you would look forward to simple things, like going places and getting toys... that excitement had washed away, little by little. When you felt it again, it was understandable to feel so suddenly giddy.

Reaching the elevator you had met Papyrus at earlier, you noticed a small child outside the door. They were wearing a baggy sweater and denim shorts, their attire stained with bright, florescent spots of paint. Their curly locks were pulled back into a tight little ponytail that looked as though it would fall out any second. A SpongeBob backpack was slung over their shoulder.

"Hello there." You chirped, and they immediately smiled. Cheerfully, the child waved.

You both stood next to each other, waiting patiently for the elevator to rise.

"Are you waiting to go to the breakfast buffet downstairs?" You asked.

They nodded. They pointed at you and tilted their head.

"Wh-what was that?"

They repeated the action, more exaggerated this time.

"Oh, I'm also going to have breakfast. I could use a glass of juice right about now."

The child perked up, setting their backpack to the ground, pulling out a juice box. They pressed it into your hands.

You were endeared by this gesture, "Thank you so much! This is just what I needed."

The child grinned sincerely. You felt a strange warmth from this stranger, immediately being pleased with their comforting presence.

The elevator clicked, pinging to signify it's arrival. As the doors reeled open, you and the child walked in. They reached out and pressed the button to take you both to the lobby. You slurped your juice through a tiny straw, trying to ignore the lukewarm temperature of the beverage.

Papyrus x Reader- Oneshot Booklet 💕Where stories live. Discover now