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Junky let out a breath of frustration but did as the choreographer said. He'd been practicing this same move for the last 30 minutes, but his choreographer didn't seem satisfied.

"Do you find this funny, Junkyu?" The choreographer, Saendi, sighed. Junkyu shook his head 'no' as he felt a trickle of sweat go down his forehead and on his neck. He quickly wiped it off.

"Well then do it right and stop wasting my time" Saendi stated. Junkyu gave him a quick nod before continuing in his head. Five, six, seven, eight. Step forward. One two. Slide to the left. Three, four. Turn head and nod. And five, six. Turn to 'audience' and smile. Seven, eight. Step back. One, two. Spin, back bend. Three, four. Flip-

Suddenly Junkyu felt himself lose "footing" on his right hand, which resulted in him putting too much pressure on his left. He gave a cry of pain before falling on his back with a 'thud'.

"Shit." Junkyu cursed under his breath and rubbed his left wrist. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Yedam begin to walk towards him until the other trainers grabbed him and held him back. The choreography laughed mockingly.

"Don't help this useless piece of shit. He can't even do this simple choreography. You're such a complete waste of my time and energy. I wasted 30 minutes trying to teach you this, when instead I could have been helping the rest of your fellow trainees. Do you think your better than them? That you deserve more attention? Well guess what. You aren't." He scoffed. Junkyu felt like a disappointment. He's right I'm a waste.

"I'm sorry-" Junkyu began but was quickly cut off.
"Don't talk back to me, as punishment go clean the lockeroom bathrooms." Saendi ordered.
"I can't! I have vocal lessons in 10 minutes!" protested Junkyu.
"Well, then you better hurry up and start."
Junkyu sighed and ran out the door, feeling the gaze of the other trainees follow me the entire way out.

Short chapters = more updates ;)))
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