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Junkyu wiped the sweat off of his brow and finished cleaning the last toilet. Taking off one of his gloves and grabbed his phone from his back pocket. The time read: 10:17pm

He sighed and got up. I was already 2 minutes late and I haven't even touched the sinks. Picking up the the cleaning supplies Junkyu walked towards the sinks and set the supplies down on the floor. Then, after grabbing a different pair of rubber gloves, began cleaning the sink. You'd think that since no one actually lives here that they'd be cleaner. They're not.

There was eyeshadow, eyeliner and other types of makeup stains along with hair, dried spit/mucus and even blood. And the smell inside the locker room itself would make anyone want to puke. Fortunately this time he'd remembered to bring a mask, so it wasn't as bad. He finished cleaning the sink and moved on to the next, saving the mirrors and sweeping for last.

~time skip~

"Finally finished." Junkyu said to no one in general as he threw out the last trash bag. He checked his phone again. 10:30pm

Oh shit...

He grabbed the cart which held all the supplies and shoved it in the janitors closet. Quickly, he ran to the elevator and pushed the "3" which is the vocal floor.

While in the elevator he decided to go ahead and warm up his voice.
"ah, Ah, AH, AHH, AHHH, AHHHHH!" The elevator can to a stop and Junkyu ran out rushing to find room 16, where he trained. A couple of seconds passed until he spotted it and walked in.

"It's about time. Junkyu! What do you think this is? A hotel? I'm not just gonna wait for you all day until 'his majesty' decides he wants to show up." His vocal coach, Seolyeon, remarked. She was a petite woman in her late-twenties that had a bad temper.

"I'm sorry miss, it's just that-" he began, but was interrupted by Seolyeon's remark.
"It's no one else's fault but yours that you are late. So just cut the excuses and shut up. Let's get started because you've already wasted enough time." She said and began walking to her piano.
Junkyu sighed but nodded, following her.

~time skip~
"I still get jealous~" Junkyu tried to hold the note but failed and resulted with a crack in his voice.

"Your pitch is unstable, and your voice cracked...let's hear it from the top again." Seolyeon montioned.
Junkyu began again but his voice completely gave out within the first verse because it was too weak. He checked the clock. 1:46am

Seolyeon sighed. "You really are such a disappointment Junkyu. You weren't always this way. You had such a bright future. I don't know what happened. You have gotten worse. Your singing is weak, and Saendi told me that your dancing is the worst out of the trainees, and don't even get me started on how you look. There's nothing about you that's special. You're just average. No, not even average, you're below average." Seolyeon grabbed a book full of music and threw it at Junkyu.

He felt something drip on his chin. He touched it with his finger. Blood. The book had busted his lip.

He tried to steady his breathing but was at his wits end. He apologized to Seolyeon and asked if they could end practice.

"Yes, just get out of my face." She muttered, shooing him away. He bowed respectfully before walking out of the room.

Breathe in. Breathe out, Junkyu. At least wait until you get to the dorms.

He got to the elevator pushed the button to the first floor. He could feel his breathing become heavy, and his chest contract.
The elevator doors opened, revealing the first floor. Junkyu put on the hood of his hoodie as he walked out of the building. His vision blurred but he kept walking. It didn't matter. He'd been a trainee for so long that he could probably find his way back with his eyes closed.

Warm tears slid, silently, down his cheeks after around two blocks of walking he stopped and grabbed his keys from his pocket. After drying his tears, he quickly opened the door and made sure to lock it once he was inside. Some of the trainees like Junghwan and Jeongwoo were doing their homework on the table, while others like Haruto and Yoshinori and Keita were playing call of duty on the PS4 in the living room. He stayed on the 1st floor with the older trainees. The J and C and B treasures strayed on the 2nd. No one greeted him as he walked past them and into the hallway. He heard similar noises as he walked by everyones room. There singing coming from Seunghoon and Byongon's room. Music coming from Doyoung's room which he used to share with Raesung before he left. Hyunsuk used to share a room with Midam but now he stayed alone. There was currently no noise coming from his room. He must be with Doyoung, practicing. He also walked past the bathroom And noticed a someone singing in the shower, Yedam he guessed. He shared a room with Yedam. In total there where 26 of them by they were told that they were getting a new Japanese trainee soon.

'Another trainee that would prove to be better then me.'

He felt his vision begin to blur and he began to walk faster towards his room. He opened the door and closed it. Then walked to his side of the room, taking off all his clothes except his boxers. He later down, pulling the covers over him and after knowing that he was finally alone, cried himself to sleep.

Long but boring chapter :(
I'll try to add some angst in the next :) thanks for reading girlies 🤪🤪🤙🏻
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