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I blink a couple of times, adjusting my eyes to the light before I look around and realized that I'm in Mashiho's room. Memories suddenly came flooding back and I begin to hyperventilate as I recall what happened down stairs...what happened on my bed. I begin to find it harder to breathe, and feel as if my heart is contracting in my chest due to the anxiety. I try taking deep breaths to calm myself. Slowly I begin to regain control of my breathing as I tell myself that everything is fine now.

I'm not alone anymore. Well...I think I'm not alone. I look over at the small shelf next to the bed. On it is a frame holding a picture of Mashiho in it. He's smiling and giving a thumbs up at the camera. I smile to myself. I have to admit to that even though terrible things have happened, never in my life have I felt so happy. Mashiho is like my medicine. He takes away the pain...makes me smile and even laugh. Of course I've laughed with my friends but once I began to fall deeper in to my depression, it was as if they'd distanced themselves. Not because they were trying to be rude, but because they just didn't understand how to help me. Mashiho didn't need to understand me to help me. On his own, he figured out how to pick up the pieces of the broken person I was...and heal me, using a piece of himself to do so. I had slowly been regaining my confidence these past few days and started staying in Mashiho's room (I traded with Yoshinori) just for the sake of my sanity. I heard a knock on the door and Mashiho walked in holding a two mugs in each hand.

"Here you go," Mashiho said handing me the mug that held hot chocolate. Without meaning to, I stared at him admiringly. He gave me smile as he plopped down, his bunny like teeth showing. I smiled back as moved to sit on the ground with him. We were across from each other so our knees were touching. He took a sip of his hot chocolate and then sighed.

"Saendi has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and a 3 year parole for domestic violence and rape. The other men have been sentenced to 5 years in prison and 1 year of parole." Mashiho said with a grimace. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I'd been holding.

"That's good." I nodded and took another sip of my drink. Mashiho set his hot chocolate down and set his hand on my knee comfortingly.

"I'm still angry about it. They deserve to rot in jail for the rest of their lives for what they did to you. It's not fair. I just wish I could do more to help you-"

"It's okay now. I'm okay now. Thanks to you," I set my mug to the dude and hold his hand, "You've don more than enough." I can see his ears turn red but I pretend to not notice it.

"I didn't do anything..." Mashi mutters and looks at the floor, to embarrassed to meet my gaze. I chuckle and lace our fingers.

"Yes, you did. You helped me over come so many things. You showed me all the reasons I should love myself. And now as the saying goes, 'to be able to love someone you have to love yourself first' and now that the first part is complete, I want to give the second a try." I bit the inside of my lip nervously, anticipating his response. He looked up and met my gaze. I heard his stomach growl, causing his cheeks to start to flush with color. I laughed and cocked an eyebrow.

"I know this really great noodle place down the street that helps with stomach aches and they serve delicious food too. Wanna go?" I tried giving off a confident aura but in reality I was terrified of being rejected.

"As in a hang with the both us?"

"No. As in a date." I said chuckling. He turned even more red but nodded. I was still laughing as I pulled him off the floor and as we walked down stairs. Never once did we let go of our hands the entire way there.

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