Enjoy It

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A/N: I'm sincerely sorry for what's to come </3


Mashiho held my hand until we were out of the building. He probably would have kept holding it too if I hadn't reminded him that we were in public. He bit his lip as we walked down the streets, probably thinking about what he'd done. I mean, he wasn't the only one.

I was thinking about what had just happened too. No one had ever stood up for me...not even Yedam. When Saendi was calling me names and telling me things, I started to feel that slow build up of hate. It made me want to break down crying and just end it all. But just when it seemed like I was about to lose it, Mashiho spoke up.

To be honest...I've come to know Mashiho as my 'light'. His presence itself makes me feel better and want to smile more. Even after long and tiring days that exhaust me both physically and mentally, as soon as I walk through those door to the dorms and see him waiting on the couch patiently it's like a match being stricken in a dark cave. And when he smiles...it's as if that match were to light a small candle. A candle that lights up my world even if it's just for a short while because once he's gone the light is blown out and I'm left in the blinding and binding darkness


I snap out of my thoughts and look I over at Mashiho. I raise my brows to give him a questioning look. He points at my stomach. Then I hear it. A low growling coming from my abdomen. I throw him an embarrassed smile.

"Don't be embarrassed!" He chuckled, "everyone gets hungry. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of money on me to take you out to eat a meal but we can still stop by somewhere and get you a snack. Then once we arrive home I'll make you something. Does that sound okay?"

I nod and give him a smile which wipes the worried off of his face. He smiles back and hooks our elbows together before starting forward towards the town center where various food stands line every street corner.

"Just tell me anything you want and I'll buy it."

Happiness. I say to myself.

"Oh look ice-cream!" Mashi says pointing at a stand across the street.

"Ice cream sounds good too," I nod as we begin to make our way toward it.


By the time we arrive back at the dorms we can tell that some of the trainees already arrived due to the fact that the front gate is open. We walk, I make sure to close the gate behind me, and start towards the front door.

Loud music can be heard playing even from outside. As soon as Mashiho opens the door I cringe and put my hands up to my ears to stop them from aching. A huge speaker, which is blasting music at full volume. lays in the middle of the room. There are plastic red cups scattered everywhere as well as Cheeto-puffs and other snacks.

Some trainees are in the living room, others are outside by the swimming pool we own. Even though there are not supposed to be any girls in the dormitories, quite a few of them were scattered amongst the trainees. Some were just talking while others were their hips against each the trainees as they danced to the song playing. Some were even daring enough to make out with the trainees.

"Why is there a party happening?" I heard Mashiho ask one of his fellow J treasures. The treasure...what was his name...Yoshi? Something like that. Instead of answering all he did was point upstairs and mumble something in Japanese before he walked away, leaving me even more confused.

Mashiho sighed and walked me too my room before asking me to stay in it while he went to check out what was happening really quickly. I nodded and watched him walk out the doors. I stayed on the bed, not moving...not even to turn on the lights. I just sat quietly letting the booming music outside the room envelop me.

I waited for a while hoping that Mashiho would walk through the door at any second, but after about an hour, there was no sign of him.

He probably got tired of me just like everyone else .

Before the voices in my head started to condemn me, I layed down and closed my eyes, starting to drift off to sleep.


I felt a pain shoot through my abdomen as if someone had punched me. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was on the floor then looked up to find a group of men standing over me. They had masks on, so I wasn't able to recognize them, but they smiled at me.

"Who—" I began but was cut off by a kick to my stomach.

"Shut up you piece of shit." The man yelled. I groaned at the spasm of pain. The man laughed and kicked me once more. I let out a small cry of pain which made his smile widen.

"Let me have a turn!" Pleaded the shorter man standing next to him. The other nodded giving his approval. The shorter man gave a small chuckle before kicking my side and then stomping on the left side of my rib cage. He continuously stomped until a definite crack was heard.

"This is what you deserve you good for nothing, worthless faggot."

I gasped and cried out loud in pain. It hurt more then I could handle. It was like I couldn't breathe. Tears began to stream down my face and I tried to cover my stomach region but the shorter man dropped to his knees and flung my hands away forcefully, causing me more pain.

"No you don't! You are worthless! No one love you! You are a waste!"

I screamed and gritted my teeth. He held my hands to my sides and brought his face close to mine.

He stared at me for a second before slamming his head onto my nose. I release a loud cry feeling the blood from my nose drip on to my lip and into my mouth as I did so.

"Stupid faggot."

The man got up quickly and nodded at the others. They gave a sigh but smiled as they started forward and began punching me and stepping on me. I began to cry as I felt doomed and helpless, unable to move because of the pain.

They're going to kill me...

Then, a loud voice spoke up, "Stop." I felt saved as I watched the men leave the room.

"Now it's my turn." Said the voice. Footsteps began to approach me.

I felt my heart drop and I began panicking again, trying to go before the figure made its way towards me. I got up and began limping quickly towards the door screaming for help. It was too late. The man ran and grabbed me before I went any further, covering my mouth with his hand.

"Not so fast," he whispered in my ear, "the fun has yet to begin." He licked my ear and caressed my face. Tears began streaming down my face again and I tried crying out for help and getting out of the mans grasp. The man laughed and punched me in my already broken ribs and slapped me before kicking me onto the bed. He then proceeded and crawled on top of me before leaning his face down next to mine.

"Remember its not rape if you enjoy it." He muttered.


Angst :)
I'm sorry for that.
But thank you all for 800+ reads!!! Ahhh I can't believe it this book is growing really fast! Thank you for continuously voting and being the reason why my book (finally) has a rating! Anwayysssssss ikkkkkk
It's kind of like a cliff hanger I guess but I'm gonna try to update tonight before I go to sleep so dw. I got to go do hw now! Remember to vote if you found it interesting ⬇️ thanks for readingggggg :p

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