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*Mashiho's 1st Person POV*

"Mashi mashi mashi~"

I groaned and turned around, shoving my face deeper into the pillow I was sleeping on. I felt someone shaking me gently, obviously trying to wake me up. Too bad that I wasn't going to give in.

"Wake up~"

I gave a muffled "never",  ignoring the person's request. Then, out of nowhere, the person laid down next to me and began hugging me. I felt my heart beat quicken as the distance betweeen the person and I closed.

"Mashi, if you don't wake up right now I won't hesitate to kiss you to death," whispered a serious toned Junkyu. I screamed internally and rolled to the far side of the bed. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't watching where I was going and ended up falling off the bed.

"I'm okay! I'm fine," I stated and quickly got up, dusting myself off in the process. Junkyu chuckled at my actions and then got up from the bed (like a normal person) and walked over to me. He raised his hands so that he was cupping my face then grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them gently making me feel flustered.

"You're so cute." He said and planted a kiss on my forehead. I could feel myself blush intensely by his words which only increased my embarrassment. He gave a small laugh before pulling back and grabbing onto my hand.

"Anyways," he stated, "you should go and get dressed." I gave a puzzled look and he elaborated.
"I want to go somewhere fun with you for our date, but I can't do that if you're in your pajamas."

My mouth formed an "o" and I nodded then quickly ran to my closet. I grabbed a white shirt, a yellow hoodie and some random pants then ran back out of the closet and into the bathroom.

~Time Skip~

Junkyu held my hand as we walked down the street together. I didn't know were we were going but I assumed it was somewhere casual because Junkyu was wearing a black sweater over a white button down, some black pants with a black beret that topped it all off. I didn't know were we were headed but he told me that I would see it when we were close enough.

"Is that— AN AMUSEMENT PARK?!" I let go of his hand and ran forward, stopping at the entrance. I was star struck by the beautiful Ferris wheel that towered over the rest of the park, not to mention the other rides that flashed and shined like diamonds in the sun. I turned back around and ran back to Junkyu.

"I can't believe it! How did you know that I've always wanted to go to one in Korea?" I asked smiling widely. He shrugged.

"I have my ways," he said stepping closer and grabbing my hand again, "anyways, enough talking. Let's go have some fun!"

I nodded and walked quickly towards the ticket booth near the entrance.

~~A hours later~~

"Ooh, look! Those would look cute on you!" Junkyu said pointing at a head band that had two yellow ducks sitting on top.

"No thanks," I smiled sweetly at his request, "I'm going for a boy next door visual not baby boy next door."

"That's too bad because" he steeped closer until I could feel his breath on my ear, "you're my baby boy."

I could feel my cheeks redden and I sputtered out nonsense, too flustered to speak. He stepped back admiring the effect he had in me and then leaned down and kissed my check softly before grabbing my hand and walking me to another ride.

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