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*cue Cherry Bullet*

Anywayyyyyys hello, my dear readers! I hope you all had a fabulous day! I mean I didn't but that's why Wattpad's here; To help us escape reality :)

Anyways thank you for commenting questions and here are the official answers of our characters.

First we have the bastard we all hate ;) that's right, you guessed it:


Question #1: fucking bitcH
"Uhmmm...that's not a question you dropout. Go back to school and learn how to write properly. Idiots like you and Junkyu deserve nothing in life."

Question #2: How's jail, my man? I hope you rot there uwu
"First of all what is 'uwu'? Secondly it's not as bad as you would think, and jokes on you because I already have a lawyer planning a second court to lessen my sentence.

Don't you just hate him with you're whole heart? Cause I do uwu

Next up:


Question #1: you bish, debut mashikyu together

He wasn't good enough

Question #3: i hate you
Good for you, but just so you know, I get that a lot so you're not special :)

Question #4: why are you so dumb sksks
I may be a lot of things but 'dumb' isn't one of them. I am the MAIN PRODUCER which means I'm smart and better then everyone else so my choice is more important then yours.

Question #5: Dick head, I can't believe you let gon and seunghoon go >:[
Ehhh...Byounggon was making me yawn, he lost his spark. He was just boring. Seunghoon was too lacking.
He had no chance, his visuals were weak, I mean, he just wasn't ready.

Question#6: Old rat!!! Put Mashikyu in one unit, room and dorm!!!!
Again, I'm the Main PD so...no thanks. I do what I want and what I think is best.

uwu don't you just wanna sometimes grab his dumb hat off his head and smack him with it? Anyways... thank u, next:


Question #1: date keita
Okay okay okay. Let me just get this straight, it was ONE time okay? One! I was drunk and then next thing I know, I'm making out with him! Like it's not my fault! Oh and Keita left. Also...Doyoung has been really nice lately...so yeah...

Question #2: hi i love you
Aww! Thank you...I um...think you're pretty nice to...even though I have no idea who you are...

What a cutie pie. Next!


Question #1: i love you- aham
Oh...well I guess I love you too

Question #2: mR
Uh...hi? Ma'am? I don't know what to say...uh...will I love you work in this situation too?

Yoshi is so precious :) Siguiente!


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