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"Okay guys...I think we're good. You all can head home now," said their choreographer Ryan. Ryan was new and young so he wasn't as strict as others and he often let the Treasures go back to their dorms early.

The boys beamed at Ryan and said a quick thank you before rushing out of the door. They all smelled bad and felt exhausted but that didn't mean they had to act like it.

"So I was thinking," began Hyunsuk, "Ya know how everyone's talking about that new group replacing us? The one that YG planned secretly and no one knows about but it's rumored that it's a girl group. Well, I know we've all been stressing about it, so I think we should go out to a Noraebang. We can have some drinks, order fried chicken and sing our hearts out! Who's with me?"

"Sounds good."
"I've never had a 'drink' before."
"Sure, why not?"
"For sure!"

They all turned to look at Junkyu since he was the only one that hadn't responded. At first he didn't notice them staring but once Hyunsuk cleared his throat he turned and looked at them unsure of how to respond.

"I- - ," Junkyu stuttered, "think I'll just stay at the dorms. It's kind of late. I'm a bit tired, so I'll probably take a nap. But, you know what, you guys go have fun." He gave them a fake smile and a small wave before walking away.


"Hi, Junkyu," squealed an excited Mashiho at the top of his lungs. Junkyu laughed and pulled Mashiho in for an embrace. It was sunny outside and they sky was a bright blue. All of a sudden the bright sky became cluttered with dark grey clouds and he felt something heavy on his chest. He didn't realize he was crying until Mashiho pulled back, pointing it out.

He frowned and tried looking Junkyu in the eyes. The happy world they had just been in disappeared and it was now cold and dark. Junkyu now also had a feeling of longing towards Mashiho.
"What's wrong, Kyu?" Mashiho asked softly.

"I-It's just...I love you Mashiho. You have a piece of my heart and I feel like, even though you're standing right in front of me, I have this pain in my chest. I don't know why, but looking at you...it-t...hurts." Junkyu sniffled and hugged Mashiho tighter. He kissed his forehead until Mashiho pulled away again.

"Oh silly! Don't worry, just trust me."


Junkyu blinked slowly and looked around trying to realize what had woken him up. He suddenly looked down and realized he'd fallen asleep on his phone and it had been vibrating which was why he'd woken up. He grabbed it and turned it on to check his notifications.

(7) missed calls from Dammie :3
(2) missed calls from Haru
(3) missed call from Jeongwoo
(1) missed call from Jaehyuk
(1) missed call from Junghwan
(4) missed calls from Suk :)

Junkyu sighed and thought for a moment on whether or not he should call them back, after a short while he decided against it and instead went back to sleep.

They can just tell me later.

After a short while of sleeping Junkyu woke up with a pair of familiar eyes staring back at him.

"Oh great. Now I'm hallucinating too." Junkyu said to himself. In front of him was Mashiho. Junkyu wished with all his being that in reality it was actually like this but he knew that it was just a hallucination. He didn't want to relish the pain he felt when he saw Mashiho so instead he closed his eyes, knowing that when he opened them, Mashiho would be gone again.

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