Treasure 7

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Quick note before the chapter begins: Just to avoid any confusion I wanted to let you guys know that the process of choosing the final seven in the book will be nothing like how it was in real life. So please don't think about episode 10 while reading this because it will only confuse you. :) anyways onto the actual chapter!

*Junkyu 1st person POV*

"Junkyu~ We have to wake up~" Mashiho groaned.
I stretched and opened my eyes, looking over at Mashiho. His hair was messy and he had his shirt on backwards, but I felt proud of him for waking up first this time. I looked at the digital clock on the wall and realized that Mashiho was right.

"Shit! We're supposed to be there at 10, aren't we?" I run over to our closet and grab a random shirt out of it. I quickly take off the one I'm wearing and slip the other one; as well as slide on some jeans. I grab Mashiho's hand and we race out of the dorms and to the YG Entertainment building.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Hurry! Sit down! I don't know why you two are both late but we only have 5 minutes to do clothes hair and makeup, so chop chop chop!" The stylist said clapping her hands vigorously. I nodded and quickly went to get changed while they got started on Mashi's makeup. They handed me a black and dark red striped shirt with a tan-ish flannel to go over it, some jeans that were ripped at the knee and a pair of black boots/shoes. (his "Better" outfit)  They also straightened my hair and added extremely light makeup.

I looked over at Mashiho who was wearing a pink thin jacket over a black shirt, some black jeans and black vans. His hair was parted to the side as well, but his eye makeup was slightly heavier then mine.

"Alright we have 15 seconds till showtime! I need you both with your groups!" The stylist ordered. We both nodded and quickly went to our spots. I sat next to Yedam wut Greg rest of the A Treasures, while Mashiho sat with what was left of the J Treasures.

In total there were 18 of us. 7 of us would leave to go to the final dorms for the debuting group while the other 11 would either go back to the regular dorms or, if they were a J treasure, head back to Japan. I was nervous and scared but I had faith that Mashi could pull through and make it to the finals.

I snap out of my thoughts as the camera starts rolling and try to act normal as the main PD YG talks about how we will be chosen.

"The final 7 members will be voted on by me, having 70% of the vote and the other producers having the other 30%. The 18 of you will be ranked from first to last and the top seven make it into the official debut group. These ranks will be posted in this room after all the performances are over and we have had time to decide. So without further a due, let's begin. First off I have Kim Junkyu on my list. Junkyu please step forward and prepare for the song to start."

I get up and bow slightly before heading over to the front. I find it hard to swallow and I can feel my stomach dropping.

This is my last chance. So I have to give it my all.

The music begins playing and I hold the mic up to my mouth. As I start singing the first "ooh" my voice trembles slightly and my hand is shaking. I look down and take a deep breath before beginning.

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