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I hug my jacket closer to myself as I limp out the door. I don't even try to stop crying anymore. It's not like it matters one cares. No one helped me while I screamed as loud as I could in that small room. It was pointless. No one heard me. No one stopped the men from breaking my ribs. No one stopped the man...when he abused of me.

No one notices the loss of my presence from the party. Tears stream down my face and I lower my head not wanting to be criticized any more. The words the man had said, ring through my mind constantly like alarms blaring at maximum volume.

"A faggot like you doesn't deserve to be loved. Just fucked and then thrown away just like the garbage you are."

I hug my rib cage as I arrive to my destination. Then begin walking towards the elevator.

"No one cares about you." The man had screamed. I walk inside the elevator and as soon as the doors close behind me close, I fall to the floor l, tears flowing like a river.


"Has anyone see Junkyu?" I walk around asking everybody. I had left Junkyu because Yoshi had told me that Kotaro needed to tell me something. So I left Junkyu in his room to go talk to him but all the Kotaro said was that Saendi was looking for me. Which meant that I'd had to walk all the way to the YG building. I didn't want to leave Junkyu alone but I had no choice because I didn't want to stress him out. Once I had arrived at the place Saendi was no where to be seen, just the assistant choreographer. He told me that Saendi was helping a new trainee, so he wasn't gonna come to meet with me for our "talk". I thought that meant I could leave but as soon as I tried the assistant told me that he'd left me "jobs" to do. Chores, basically. I thought about saying "no" but realized I could possibly get in serious trouble if I continued to disobey, so instead I did as I was told.
I snapped back into reality continued to ask people about him to see if they new where he'd gone.

"Ah, I think I saw him go out the doors..." mumbled a drunk Yedam. I nodded and gave him a small smile of gratitude before running out the door, chasing after Junkyu.


I walked to the edge of the railing on the rooftop of the building. Slowly I limped over the safety railings, feeling then wind blow through my hair.
stained my cheeks. My sweaty palms clung to the buildings railing.

Deep Breaths. On the count of three.




I slowly began to loosen my grip on the railing and closed my eyes. No more pain only peace—-


I opened my eyes and turned to find Mashiho running towards me.

"Don't walk any further," I shouted,my voice breaking as I did so, "i-if you d-d-do I'll jump" I began to cry harder and tightened my grip on the railing. I turned around, my back facing him.

"Junkyu—" I heard him step foreword quietly, "don't do this...please—" his voice cracked on the last words.

"Why shouldn't I? No one loves me. I'm a faggot. I don't deserve anyone's love. I don't deserve to smile. I'm weak," I muttered with a shaky breath, "that's why I have to do this."

I let go of the railing and started lean forwards.

"No!" Mashiho cried, and ran towards me. He grabbed me by wrapping his arms around my waist. I tried pushing him away but he was clinging to me too tightly. He cried into my chest.

"Please...let me love you," he said burying his face in my chest. I felt my self give in and begin crying with him. I slowly wrapped my arms around his small frame, letting his warmth complete me as his tears stained my shirt.


So this wasn't as long as usual buttttttttt I feel satisfied by what I wrote :) so hehehe
Anyways thanks so much for 900+ reads!
As always I'm so happy you guys enjoy reading! I will update tomorrow as well and hopefully (if I update daily) by next Monday (February 11th) the book will be completed! So yeah please vote if you enjoyed reading! ⬇️ and until next time ;)

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