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I sigh as I run my hands through Junkyu's hair. It's soft and smells like conditioner. Unfortunately that's the only good thing. His good looks are there but they are covered with a mask of dried tears, red slap/scratch marks, hickeys and swollen bruises. I want to hurt the people who did this to him. Though my feelings were of no use...Junkyu said he couldn't recognize who'd beat and raped him.

"I don't want to go back to my room," Junkyu had whispered to me while on the elevator on our way back to the dorms. Although I was smaller in both age and height, I felt the need to protect him. After a bit of talking we decided to stay in my room which I shared with Yoshi. Before arriving I made sure to tell Yoshi that I was bring someone to which he responded with: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

As soon as they arrived Junkyu had excused himself to the restroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts. A short while after I heard the shower water turn on and decided to take out some clothes for Junkyu. Unfortunately my clothes were 'a bit' small for Junkyu's size so I decided to run to the store and grab him some clothes.


I began to pick up my pace once I checked the time on my phone. On my way back from the store I'd d decided to stop by the noodle place and ask for take out, hoping that maybe the yummy food and sweeter memories would distract from what had happened to him. Due to the fact the people at the place had taken a while to complete my order, I'd already spent 10 more minutes then he'd planned to get back. I turned the corner and set my things down to unlock the gate and then repeated that action again when I opened the door to the dorms. I quietly, ran up the steps and used my elbow to open the door to my room.

Unfortunately I was a bit too late because Junkyu was already out of the shower and laying on Yoshi's bed...wearing nothing but a towel. The towel was wrapped around his waist so I was able to see his muscular body. But it seemed a bit more lean than it was intended to be...malnourished you could say. I frowned a bit but quickly changed my mood as I walked over to Junkyu. I sat on the floor next to him as began to take out the food, place it around me in me in a circular, yet neat, appearance. I also set Junkyu's new clothes next to him. He gave me a grateful look and headed towards the bathroom, and came back out a short whil later wearing an black oversized T-shirt that read: My Love in Japanese.

I doubted that Junkyu knew that and focused on setting up the food, making sure to call him over. He plopped deon next to me and started to eat. Neither of us talked. I should probably just give him space for now.

After we were done I cleaned up and got ready to get in bed, mumbling a small good night before falling asleep.


I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see where the whimpering noise was coming from. I was hit with realization of what it probably was. I walked over quietly to Junkyus bed and saw him tossing and turning in bed, while whimpering and mumbling out "no". He then began crying in his sleep and I couldn't bear to see him like this so I carefully shook him awake. He blinked, tears spilling as he did so but once his yes registered
my shape he opened his arms and began clinging to me, all the meanwhile his tears continued to fall. I sat down on the edge of the bed and hugged Junkyu back. Hoping my warmth would give him security. Eventually he ended up falling asleep in the same bed as Junkyu with there arms wrapped around each other.


I felt Junkyu stir underneath my touch so I stopped went back to being still in his arms. Even though, when we'd fallen asleep, I'd been the one hugging him, when we woke up he was the one spooning me. The thought made me blush remembering it but I was glad I'd made Junkyu feel better, even if it was just for the night. Suddenly I felt myself begin to feel drowsy again and I quickly lost consciousness as I fell asleep in his arms once more.


I blinked my eyes a couple of times before my vision cleared and I saw that I was spooning Mashiho. He was small in my arms. Even after all that'd I'd been through, I found it in me to smile. It was just...Mashiho was so small and seemed to fit perfectly in my arms. I lowered my head a bit, careful not to move too much and burrowed my face in his fluffy hair.

"Thank you," I whispered, then pressed my lips together, placing a kiss on the back of his head. I closed my eyes and even though I wasn't sleepy any more, layed there enjoying the warmth Mashiho made me feel.

Okay okay...
ik what you're thinking, "after all this time...this is what you give us? This garbage of a chapter? And the answer is unfortunately yes. I'm sorry that it sucks :( but I have to write this so that the story develops properly :) anyhowwwww
Thank you all so much for 1.64k reads! I love and appreciate y'all's support so much! Don't worry I won't ask you to vote because Ik this chapter isn't worth voting for...but yeah I'm sorry for the late update I was super busy with work and school and I didn't have time to update I'll try to update quickly over these next few days so that I can finish the book next week! Thank you for continuously reading~~~ Hasta luego 👋🏻

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