The trainee

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(A/n: italics=thoughts)

As soon as Junkyu wakes up the first thing he hears are noises coming from the kitchen. Yedam is no where in site

'He probably is in the kitchen with the others.'

He rubs his eyes and stretches a bit, before getting up to go to the restroom.

'Thank god, I don't have to walk outside to use the restroom.'

He thinks to himself as he enters the in-room bathroom that he and Yedam share. He takes off his shirt and turns to look at the mirror. There's a few purple marking on his chest, and a single one on his neck. He touches them and winces, at both the pain and memories they bring.

Maybe today's the day I end it all...


"So how long have you done acrobatics for," one of the Korean trainees asks, I think his name is Doyoung.

"A couple of years..." a mutter before I get bombarded with another question.

"Have you missed us?" Haruto blurts. I smile and tussle his hair. Of course he would be the one to ask that.

"Yes I did Haru...these past 3 months have shown me how much I missed you guys when we were all training together in Japan." Haruto smiles at my reply and gives me a playful punch.

The other trainees continue to ask me question after question when I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

A tall black haired trainee wearing an over sized hoodie, goes unnoticed as he reaches for a cup across the kitchen. His hair is wet, as if he just got out of the shower. He's handsome...very handsome.

He turns around and meets my gaze. His gaze is heavy and seems dejected... I feel a tug in my heart. He looks away and grabs a water bottle from the fridge before turning away. And walking into the living room.

I snap back into reality with another one of Haruto's playful punches.

"Mashiiiiiiii~ stop zoning out," Keita giggles. I'm deterred by the trainee with the oversized hoodie's presence but pretend I'm fine. I nod, giving him a small smile and fake a laugh.

"Show us one of your tricks Mashi!" A younger trainee squeals. Another trainee shoves him playfully saying, "Use your manners Junhyuk~"

The trainee, Junhyuk, apologizes and, with a bright smile, formally asks me to do a trick once more. I nod and walk around the kitchen island to the living room. The trainees stares follow me as I walk, but no one moves from their spot. The only person in the living room is the guy with the over sized hoodie who's resting against the wall in the corner.

Once in the middle of the living room I begin to stretch. Part of me is wishing that the guy with the hoodie will look up from his phone.

That's stupid. You don't even know the guy Mashiho! Why would you want his attention?

I shake off my own thoughts and continue to stretch. I do a back bend and turn it into a cartwheel just to stabilize myself. Small cheers arise from the rest of the trainee. I smile at them and then glance at the handsome hoodie guy.

I'm surprised when I notice that he's looking back at me. I give him a smile unsure if he will smile in return. I don't expect him too but when he does I feel my ears turn red, and begin to feel giddy and proud. Maybe after I do the trick, I can go up to him and start a conversation.

I finish stretching and take a couple of steps back, preparing myself.  Then after taking a deep breath I begin. I Tun putting as much momentum in my body before I push off the ground by jumping and then proceed to curl my body inwards as I fly through the air and stop, landing the handless somersault.

The trainees are estatic and begin chanting my name. I smile widely and turn around, looking for the boy that I had been meaning to talk to, but he's no where. I walk to where he's been standing but there's no trace of him.

I'm disappointed and think to myself...I'm feeling all these emotions... and yet—

I didn't even get his name.


Wassup Girlies 🤪🤠🤙🏻
First of all thank you guys so much for 100+ reads! It may not seem like a lot but to me it is <3 especially since it's only been 2 days since I published the first chapter. Also...
Oof I'm sorry for the delayed update :((( I was busy but here it is :) The first MashihoxJunkyu interaction. There will for sure be a bigger interaction in the next chapter also please answer my recent question on my board because it will make updates come faster for this book~
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chapter⬇️  thank you for reading <3

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