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As I stretch I make sure to keep my eyes on the door. Today all the trainees were told we were going to practice together due to the fact that we were going to be evaluated soon on whether or not we would get to make it into the debuting group.

So far it was only is J treasures, the B treasures and some of the C treasures while the rest of them went to "get something from the vending machine". In reality I knew that they went to the janitors closet to play fortnite on their phones.


I, as well as the rest of the trainees, turned and saw a nervous Yedam wearing a large black sweater waving us all hello. I stopped stretching and felt myself stop breathing as I anticipated Junkyu's arrival.

Over the past few days we would meet up every night at the noodle place down the street and talk for hours until it seemed like the sun was about to rise. I enjoyed our conversation because it helped me get to know him better. I would be lying if i said I—

"Mashiho~" I heard a timid whisper behind me say.
I turned around and saw Junkyu looking back at me, a small smile resting on his lips. I felt my hands begin to sweat slightly and my heart beat more rapidly.

"Junkyu!" I cried ecstatically. I returned his smile and gave him a side hug. We continued talking until, finally the Main Choreographer, Saendi called us to our positions. Junkyu gave me a small, low wave as he walked to his position,

~small time skip~

"Everyone stop! This has to be a joke. From the top!" He said groaning and balling up papers. I wiped the sweat off my brow, as did the other 27 trainees.

"Ugh...Junkyu do that move again." Instructed Saendi. I sighed and watch Junkyu get picked on by the Choreographer and laughed at by the managers.

"Again!" Saendi repeatedly stated. I could see Junkyus confidence deteriorate slowly as well as his enthusiasm. His gaze held sadness and exhaustion. I felt my heart break just from watching it.

"You're such a joke Kim Junkyu—"
That's it.

"Stop." I said staring at the ground.

"Who said that," Saendi questioned authoritatively, "speak up again! I dare you!" Through my peripheral vision I could see him get up from his chair and walk around. After taking a deep breath I lifted my head.

"I did." I stepped foreword. Saendi whipped his head to look straight at me. He began walking towards me. I kept my chin held high as he approached. He stopped once he was in right in front of me.

"Who do you think you are? You think you have the authority to boss me around? I'm doing this for Junkyu—" he began but I stopped him by shoving him back. His voice was already annoying enough but with these words escaping his lips it made me despise him.

"I know I'm just a trainee...but that doesn't mean your better then me or Junkyu. You don't have the right to tell him what he is or isn't. Your only job is to teach him and help him better himself. Not to bring him down even more. You don't help anyone here with your negative and hateful comments." I raised my voice and stared him down. He walked up to me and shoved his chest against mine.

"Listen here you ungrateful child, I work here and have the authority to tell him what I want. It's called criticism," he spat. I clenched my jaw stepped away from him.

"There's a difference between criticism and hate. And for some reason...that's only directed at him. I don't know why, but it is. I've seen how you treat the other trainees. You criticize them, yeah, but when they mess up a lot you let it go and laugh it off. Why can't you do that for Junkyu? Why do you verbally abuse him—" I was cut off by Saendi shoving me to the ground.

"Shut your mouth." He said. Then, after realizing what he'd done, walked away huffing with his hands on head.

I looked up and met Junkyu's gaze. His mouth was slightly parted in awe. He pursed his lips and swallowed then opened his mouth to say something but was distracted by the choreographer calling his name.

"Junkyu!" He stated, "you and your 'friend' go clean the dorms as punishment for talking back. Junkyu nodded and bowed. He turned around and began walking towards me.

He held his hand out to help me. I put my hand in his and gave him a slight frown, feeling bad for making him receive this punishment. In return he smiled and pulled me up. Instead of moving foreword I turned back and started walking towards Saendi.

Junkyu tried to pull me away but failed. I walked up to an already angry Saendi and glanced at him once before spitting on his shoes.

"Clean it yourself." I muttered.

Junkyu's jaw dropped and I motioned for him to come but he didn't, so I went up to him and laced my fingers through so that I was his holding his hand as I pulled him out of the room with me.

After reading you guy's comments and seeing people enjoying my book I decided to keep it and finish writing it even if mashi is gone :(((
Anyways thank you guys so much for 500+ reads! I'm so glad people are liking this book! I hope I don't disappoint you in the chapters to come! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter :) by voting it'll help me reach a larger audience and make my story more well known so I would really appreciate it if you would please vote :))))) and yeah...
Saran-GAY! :333333

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