Quick A/N

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So this is my story I created using my IMAGINATION.. :) hope you guys enjoy

*anyone new here reading this or anyone who already has I just want to put a disclaimer here
Basically it's sort of a my little pony Au but that's because of the marks I talk about in this A/N
And I felt the need to address it correctly as I thought about it recently not everyone has the marks only anyone who's in a royal family**
You can skip this explanation and go to the next chapter if you get it if not good luck with my explanation ⬇️

This is a quick explanation of this Au...
Basically in the royal families more like anyone whose a royal by the age of five you get your mark but unless you were born with your mark then you're in control of basically sort of everything to do with that mark in dippers case he controls everything to do with the night like the stars and the moon mostly but he only ever controls what the moon does. If you weren't born with it then it's basically like Mlp you learn and figure out what you're destined to do basically
Hope that makes sense

Dipper's "mark" is the crescent moon which technically replaced his birthmark in his forehead. His mark means he raises the moon and stays up all night making sure everyone has a good dream. But everyone in town believes his job is only raising the moon.

Mabel's mark is the sun which is located where the heart is. Her mark means she raises the sun . It's also means she's joyful and will make sure everyone is happy

You'll find out everyone else's mark later on

A few of my OC's are apart of the story as well so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

None of the art i use is mine just to clarify.

Enough with explanations let get on with the story shall we :)

The Kings Of the Night   Billdip AuWhere stories live. Discover now