Battle Plan

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Mabel's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I keep thinking about my choice t start this war.

What if we lose this war. We can lose so much. Dipper is usually the one who comes up with the problem solving things not me.

" Hey there kiddo Ford wants everyone to head to the throne room for the meeting about what we need " Grunkle stan said poking his head through the door of my room.

" Ok ill be on my way" I said trying my best to not sound so sad

I made my way to the throne room an I saw a huge crowd of people who were able to make it into the castle for safety from the outside. I saw Ford and everyone else near the throne's. I made my way through the crowd to the thrones.

" Oh Mabel your just in time I was just about to start talking about the plan" Ford said a bit excited but I can also tell he's a bit scared

Ford turned towards the crowd and started talking, " ALRIGHT EVERYONE" He spoke loud and clear to get everyone's attention.

" We first need to separate into groups, we will have Six different groups each group will have a certain mission alright"

" Alright" " OK" People in the crowed said

" I have put everyone in to different groups, I will say where the groups will meet and then I will say who is in what group" Ford said and everyone agreed

After Ford yelled at everyone to get into the groups he put them in we ended up with eight different groups of people. Once Ford finished telling everyone what group to be in he started explaining to everyone what their group is going to do.

" Groups 1 and 2 you will need to go outside and collect a few supplies we need. 1 you will go into town and 2 you will go into the forest" He passed them a few paper saying what they needed.

" Groups 3, 4 and 5 you will be heading off to the mystery shack and there we will fix it up and make it into a battle machine to help us enter Bill's castle also known as the fearamid"

" Group 6 you will be the ones who are going to control the mystery shack you will also be joining us in heading to the mystery shack"

" Groups 7 and 8 you will be protection. 7 you will split up and half of you will go with group 1 and the other half will go with 2. 8 you will help protect everyone who's heading to the mystery shack. That's our mission for now until we get everything ready we will go to the next step. Now then lets get everything we need from inside the castle and move out as quickly as possible" Ford said his final word and everyone scarred to get everything they needed.

After getting everything important we needed every group quickly started leaving the castle. I was apart of group 3. Candy and Grenda were also heading to the mystery shack to go fix it up a bit so im a it happy I have my besties with me.

My group started leaving to the mystery shack and on our way we saw a few people from group 1.

After a while more of walking we made it to the mystery shack. what surprised me the most was that it was still intact. Since we were the first group to show up we started putting the unicorn hair around the mystery shack to make sure that no demons or my brother could destroy the shack. How exactly does this hurt dipper but not me or anyone else, I understand that no demons could go through it but dipper isn't a demon.

Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~before anyone left the castle~~~~~

Im in a room Bill gave me in the fearamid. I was thinking about yesterday.

The night before I entered Mabels dream to talk to her and somewhat explain why im doing this I just don't know if she even got the right message.

What if she doesn't understand what I did. If she doesn't then I fully consider her an idiot. What do I do now? I never though I would actually make it this far into my plans usually something stops me from being happy.

" Really pinetree I though you would make it to finish your plan" I jumped and turned around to see Bill. I felt my face heat up.

" Stop reading my mind Bill" I said looking at him crossing my arms and glaring at him.

" It's not a big deal pinetree calm down" he said walking closer to me.

" It is a big deal you cant just read peoples mind without their permission bill" i said looking at him with a 'you should now this' look

" Pinetree i don't think you understand but reading people's mind is technically part of my job" He said now standing in front of me giving me a grin

" Whatever" I rolled my eye's and looked away.


I felt my face heating up more.

" Pinetree please stop your going to give me a headache" Bill said rubbing his forehead

" STOP READING MY MIND" i said in anger

I need to leave before my face looks like the galaxy.

I looked at the ground and started walking out of the room i was in.

" Hey pinetree were are you going" Bill said confused

" Im going to the forest to clear my mind"

" Oh can i join" He said appearing in front of me. I stopped before i bumped into him.

" No" i said in a monotone

" Aww c'mon pinetree please" he said holding his hands together pleading me

" i said no" i walked around him and made my way to the entrance of the fearamid to leave. Bill didn't follow me which was a bit strange but i didn't really care i mostly just wanted to be away from him before he saw my face turn into the galaxy.

Once i made it to the entrance i opened my wings and flew out and towards the forest. I flew just above the trees and i went towards the deeper part of the forest just incase. I found a small clearing and i flew down. Once i landed i found a tree to sit under to clear my mind.

I took a deep breath in and out.

Is what im doing the right thing. I might be happy now but i also feel a bit bad for everyone else.

Yeah because i have sympathy for everyone who forgot me. Unlike everyone who forgets my existence.

What about Mabel? What is she doing with the information i gave her? Does she even get why i started talking to her?

If she doesn't get it then she's a dumbass. An idiot who falls for every guy she see's. Someone who always drags me into helping HER. But when i ask for help she ignores me.

ugh i came here to clear my mind not fight myself.

" Hey pinetree" Bill was floating upside down in front of me.

" BILL?! WHAT THE HELL?" I jumped back but i ended hitting my back on the tree i was sitting under.

" Geez pinetree no hello or hi just go straight to yelling at me"

" Well what do you expect you just appeared out of NOWHERE" i said still annoyed with him

" Ok ok no need to yell at me for having fun okay" He said as he sat down in front of me.

I felt my face heat up again. Uh oh. No no no no. I felt my face heat up even more. i covered my face with my hands.

" Uh are you okay pinetree"

" Yea"

I felt bill grab my hands and pull them down. I still felt my face heat up. i looked away from bill out of embarrassment. I felt his hand on my cheek and he turned my face to look at him. He looked at my blush. he brushed his thumb on my cheek.

" cute~" I heard him say in a whisper. That only made me blush more. I looked him in the eye's and i feel like they looked more golden than before. He started leaning towards me. I did the same and then...


Im sorry for the cliff hanger :) im also sorry for how long it took me to even start writing Billdip. Anyways see you guys next chapter for what happens next.

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