Enchanting Date

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Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Its been a while since Pinetree finally got back. I missed him deeply more than any other stupid meatsack.

I asked Blue and Wolf what I should do. I told them what I have been feeling for pinetree and all they do is give me a huge smile and leave the room only for me to hear a loud shriek.

" Wolf im going to ask one more time. Please. HELP. ME" I said begging her

" Ok ok dear, well from what I could tell the both of you seem to like each other a lot so my best bet for you to do something special for him is to take him on a special date. Just the two of you." She said thinking about it

" Right like ive taken someone on a date before, not to mention you included special to it" I said confused as to what she means. She shook her head no and spoke once more

" He enjoys the forest a lot why don't you go find somewhere beautiful that he hasn't been before. I have an idea where but im not sure where it is exactly. Lets ask Blue to join us on the search. It will be fun to get out of the castle. Plus I think a few of my furry friends could help as well" She said grabbing my arm and pulling me along with her to ask blue.

We entered Blues room and asked her if she would join us. She said she would love to and now the three of us were on a quest to find a place.

I was walking in between the two girls as Wolf led us in a direction. We stayed outside for most of the day and I finally found a place. I called the girls over by simple yelling their names. We split a while ago to speed things up.

Once they made it they saw what I found

" Woah its so magical" Blue said while walking through the place

" Yeah how did you find it" Wolf said while also walking around

" I just stumbled upon it" I said looking around

" OMG what if you placed lights around here and put a table here and later the both of you could go for a small swim or something. Oh how magical it would be" Blue said pointing where she though something would look best. Wolf nodded in agreement.

I summoned the things she was talking about and their eyes light up. We started placing things where we though would look best. Half way through finishing the two said they would leave and make sure dipper doesn't leave the castle. I told them I would leave a note in his room to tell him to get ready. They agreed and then left. I snapped my fingers to place a note in his room. I then got back to work on finishing the place.

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and it was 6 o'clock. I got up to get ready for the night but I saw a note on my desk. It said it was to me. I opened it and read it.

Dear Pinetree,

You make me feel so many emotions some I don't even understand but one thing I know is that you are special to me. I hope you agree and go on a date with me. I will be back at the castle in about an hour from now so get ready. See you later pinetree, 

                                                                                         Sincerely Bill

I smiled at the note and put it back on my desk. I then though about it for a moment.

I don't know what to wear. I don't even know where im going.

" Blue, Wolf please help me" I said opening the door and calling the girls. They both ran to my room. I know they ran because they both crashed into my room both breathing deeply

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