Blue Moon Curse

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3rd person POV---------------------------------

~~~~~Few moments before Mabel's and dipper's fight in the sky~~~~~

Before Anyone started a fight Mabel casted a protection spell on everyone just because of the high chance they will fight.

As they all fought with what they had, they slowly started falling. Many people injured, family and friends still standing, a few people were turned to stone, Blue, Will, and Bill faught just a few feet above ground. Both dream demons casting spell, while the dragon threw as much ice and snow she could at the townsfolk.

After fighting for a while everyone stopped at the sound of an explosion. It wasn't like the others they have heard multiple time on ground, it had more energy. It would be amircle to the ones that were really close to it not to go deaf. Everyone searched to see where the explosion came from. Stan, Ford, Wendy, and Soos just barely were able to see Mabel falling from the sky and crashing into the castle. Bill, Will, Blue and Wolf also saw but were more concern for Dipper. They all ran to the castle. Bill, Will and Blue flew towards dipper as fast as they could to stop him from doing something he'd regret.

The twins family and friends just barely made it to the castle and saw the blue streak above Dipper's non-moving body. The demons made it when the streak shot straight up to the full moon. Bill moved quicker than everyone else. When he saw what was going on through the broken wall he didn't want to believe what he saw. Anger boiled in him. And soon the others were able to catch up and saw what they didn't want to know.

Bill's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Angered boiled in me but mostly sadness. I just learned what that stupid meatsack feeling that I felt for Pinetree and now he's gone. I didn't want to believe it. I moved quickly to Pinetree's side to check and see if he really was what I though he was. As I checked for his pulse I saw one of Sixer's book lying on the floor with a drawing of the full moon. I saw what looked like a spell.

I wanted to save pinetree. I didn't feel a pulse but yet he was still breathing.

What did shooting star do to you. Pinetree im going to save you from this spell or curse. What ever this is and get you back. I promise. Im not making a deal, im making this a promise to you.

Tears blocked my vision. I picked pinetree up bridal style and quickly look back for Blue or Will to get pinetree for me while I got the book.

" Bill let go of my nephew" I heard Sixer yell at me

" I didn't mean to. I didn't know" Shooting star said in a whisper still shocked at what happened.

" No. U don't have the right to take pinetree from me. If anything IM THE ONE THATS TAKING HIM AWAY FROM YOU CRAZY PEOPLE" I said my anger over taking me. I was now red and I could tell because the red flames were surrounding me. I teleported pinetree to Blue's hands and she was now carrying him. I looked at Wolf that was on the other side with the family and quickly looked at the book when we made eye contact. She realized what I meant and she turned to her wolf form and grabbed the book with her mouth and headed to the hole in the castle with the others.

I turned around and took Dipper from blue and i told them to head to Wolf's castle in the forest. I told Will to tell the others to stand back and call our friends to join us at Wolfs castle too. He nodded and ran off. As me and the two girls left i kept hearing the other idiots yelling at me.

" Give dipper back"

" Give us back my nephew"


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