Just Give It Up

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___________No ones POV_____________________________________________________

Dipper was now floating a few inches above one of the towers on the castle he had his wings spread out and his eyes where all white with a faint blue around his eyes. His cresent moon was glowing. After a few more seconds he flew down towards the party while so people were screaming from fear and running around. He was able to see his Great Uncles heading towards mabel to protect her. After landing on the ground, Bill, Will, Blue, and Wolf ran towards him to see what's next in their plan.

~~~~~~Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once I landed on the ground everyone came up to me.

" Seems like I was right about my uncles. Hmm Lets surround them and ill ask Ford for the rift. We remember plan B if he doesn't." I said with not much emotion.

Everyone looked at each other then at me and nodded yes

I started walking towards them as I saw all three of them looking around for any mythical creature that might have caused this. I caught Mabel's eyes and she soon yelled my name

" DIPPER ARE YOU OKAY" She screamed it wasn't to loud since there was a lot of screams in the background. I didn't realize everyone would freak out this much over what just happened.

But when mabel screamed my name Ford was holding Mabel back and whispering something in her ear which made her stop for a quick second and start shakin gher head no. I wasn't close enough to her what she was telling him but from what I can see she was moving her mouth and saying something.

~~~~~~~Mabel's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ford started holding me back when I was about to run up to dipper to see if he was hurt.

" Mabel listen to me, it was Dipper. He did this. I've seen that kind of magic before and hes the only person who could do that. Mabel dear he casted a dangerous spell. He's a danger to US" Ford said whispering in my ear so I could only hear him.

I stop resisting from Ford when I heard him say that it was Dippers fault and that he was a danger to us. I looked at dipper in his eyes and lowered my head. I shook my head no

" Dipper couldn't do this. This isn't him. Hes NOT a danger to US. Hes my twin brother. I know him and I know that he couldn't have done this. It isn't possible that he was the cause of that weird light and the moon stopping. It has to be someone or something else. IT WASNT HIM FORD." I said as my eyes started to water. I didn't want to believe what ford was telling me. I know my brother and he cant make that kind of spell.

I raised my head and I saw Dipper walking towards me, Ford and Grunkle Stan. Behind him was Blue, Wolf, Bill and a blue haired boy that looked similar to Bill. In a few second Dipper was infront of me and everyone else where surrounding us.

" Hey Ford can you give me the rift you have." Dipper said while looking at Ford. What is he talking about? Whats a rift? Now im even more confused.

~~~~~~Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at Ford waiting for his response

" What are you talking about Dipper I don't have a rift. Even if I did I wouldn't give it to you anyways. Now get rid of your spell you casted on YOUR moon." Ford said getting a little more annoyed in the end.

" Sure ill get rid of it if you give me the rift. Im not that stupid Ford I know you have with you so just give it up and ill get rid of my spell" I said trying to sound a little more convincing so he can "trust me".

" Dipper im not making a trade with you. I told you I don't have it. Now get rid of YOUR SPELL" he said yelling at me in the end. Ugh Ford is being a pain in the ass right now.

" No can do Fordsy, I already said that I will once you give me the rift." I said while closing my eyes and shrugging at him.

" MASON PINES I told you to get rid of the spell. What are you trying to archive right now, I told you already that even if I had the rift with me I wouldn't give it to you" He said looking at me and trying to figure out what I want as if I was a toddler.

" Ford your giving me a headache I told you to just give me the rift that you obviously have with you. If you don't then we could always go to my plan B." I said while looking at everyone else giving them a nod as to indicate to get Mabel.

And just like that Bill and Will used their magic to hold off Ford and Stan. While Blue and Wolf where grabbing Mabel and getting her behind me.

" Cipher let me and my family GO" Ford said trying to get away from the blue chains around him that are holding him back.

" Girls I don't want to fight you. Please let me go" Mabel said while trying to resist from the two girls.

" Dipper call off your friends to let us go" Stan said while also trying to get away from the blue chains.

" Not until Ford gives up the rift" I said while slowly walking up to him and giving him a death stare.

" GOD DAMN IT FORD just give up the stupid rift" Stan said while yelling at Ford

" FORD JUST GIVE IT UP" Mabel said still trying to resist from Blue and Wolf

" Clock's ticking Ford, Don't give it up and ill send Mabel somewhere nobody can get to her. I could also send Stan to the sea knowing the story of the two of you, you both loved the sea." I said trying to find a way for Ford to just give it up already.

" What are you going to do with it " Ford said looking a bit to the ground a bit defeated.

" Nothing" I said with no emotion or facial expression so it could look more convincing.


Sorry for the cliff hanger? Im not so sure if this is a cliff hanger but ok I guess.

See ya next chapter :)

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