Welcome to the Ball pt.2

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" So your the cruel Mason or Dipper pines? Am I correct"



Dippers POV

Shit, Shit, Shit

I heard a voice and it scared me because I don't recognize it at all. So I turn around and I see a, well handsome guy standing there. I can tell he's taller than me already. He was wearing a yellow dress shirt, some black pants, dress shoes. The top of his hair was golden yellow and the bottom was black.

I didn't realize until now that I started blushing, and by his expression I can tell it was very much visible. Before another second thought I put my hood up and use a quick spell to cover my face.

Bill's POV

I was getting some fresh air, I didn't like breathing in a bunch of meatsack air for so long. Not my favorite. I was standing on the side of the castle, in the shadows. I saw someone leave the castle at first it was strange. When this kid walked up to the very edge of the mountain, one more step and it would be the end of his life. I didn't mind at first, dumb meatsack cant handle this world apparently.

Next thing I know hes doing some strange movement with his hands and the it hit me, This kid is Mason Pines. The one everyone talked so dark about. I made my way towards the kid and just watched him raise the moon. It was a bit interesting to be honest. Once he finished he lowered his head and took two steps back.

" So your the cruel Mason or Dipper pines? Am I correct" I enfizised cruel since everyone made it a big deal.

I started reading his mind since all he did was jump a bit

Shit, Shit, Shit

Hmm what's up with this kid. I though he would have exploded on me if he was that cruel like everyone makes him out to be.

He turned around and just looked at me. I gave him a confused look. I had my arms cross and my head tilted a bit to the side. What's the big deal with this kid.

A minute had passed and then something really strange but adorable happened. Im guessing he was blushing but this kid. Hes blush is EVERYTHING. Why is it so adorable. why does it look like that. WHAT THE FUCK. His blush was like the night sky just appeared on his face. I'm guessing he was blushing really hard because this shit was clearly the night sky.

Im guessing he realized he was blushing because he pulled his hoodie up and did some spell to help cover his face more. Why do people make him a bad guy. HAVE THEY SEEN HIM BLUSH. WHAT THE FUCK. REALLY??!?!

" Umm, ill take that as a yes" I just gave him a bit of a confused look

" Oh um im sorry I didn't mean to not answer you" He mumble quietly but audible enough

" Alright kid, can you explain to me why people call you cruel. If anything you seem very shy and fragile"
As I was speaking I put my arm around his shoulders and walked him away from the edge of this mountain. I walked him over to a bench on the side of the castle and we both sat down.
" well..." he scratched the back of his head and lowered his head.

Dippers POV

I lowered my head. How do I explain my encounters with the people of the town.
Maybe explain how everyone has forgotten about me, being another member of the royal family.
I shacked my head no. I'll just go with what i say.
"I am not the best person in the morning. Especially when I worked all night. So when I enter the castle to eat something before going to sleep, im umm very annoyed at everyone even though I shouldn't. Sometime I would break my self and yell at Mabel but I would apologize to her when I wake up. But some people of the town have seen me yell at her and be annoyed at everyone. They have never seen me apologize or see me when I'm not tired heh." I did a smile sweet smile while looking at him for a question.
" well pinetree, why don't we head back inside show everyone your really sweet person and maybe some will forget about the stories." He got up as he was speaking and held out a hand for me.
" wait, Pinetree?" I'm confused
" oh it's your nickname I gave you. Can't tell me otherswise to change it" he crossed his arms and gave me a grin
" heh well then if you give me a nickname, it's only fair I give you one as well" I crossed my arms and gave him a smile.
" fine pinetree whats my nickname then"
"I'm not sure yet. But by the end of the night I will give you one" I gave a sweet smile and uncrossed my arms. I got up from the benches and made my way to the castle doors.
" well wait for me Pinetree"
He made his way next to me and we both entered the castle.
We made our way to the ball room. But the moment I entered it went from loud to quite very fast.
Shit why me.
I made my way to the thrones in that room. And everyone made way for me. I guess they don't want me to yell at them. I almost made it to the thrones when Mabel jumped at me and hugged me.
" Dipper you made it"
I smiled at her. " Of course I did, this is supposedly be both our parties right"
"Obviously dip dip" she let go of me and we both made our way to the thrones
Mabel told everyone to go back to partying. There were some whispers around the room but everything was fine.
" so Mabel, has anyone caught your eye" I looked at her giving a small grin
" actually yes dipping sauce, two people."
" and they are" Mabel's plan here was to get a boyfriend.
" well, mermando is one. And the second one will be unnamed" she seemed confident about the first one but not that confident about the second.
" what about you dipper. Has someone caught your eye hmmm" she turned around and looked at me with a big smile on her face
" actually yes, but I don't think it will work out" I looked at the ground with a faint blush. Right now I like bill but I'm not sure if I really do or if  it even will work out.
" Oh dipper of course it will. You need to think positive." She raised her hands up when she said positive to make the point even mor obvious. I just smiled at her and looked back st the crowed of people here.
A few minutes have pasted and someone walked up to Mabel and me.
" hello Mason, I'm mermando and i was hoping if you will let me take her to dance with me" I looked at him, he had a accent which was a bit cool and he seemed a but nervous talking to me. Great he thinks I'm cruel to.
" Sure take her and have fun" I smiled at him and at Mabel. He looked a bit confused but held a hand out for Mabel. She took his hand and they were off to the dance floor.
If he really does make her happy I'm fine with them, he seems like a good guy.

A few minutes have passed and I was just looking at the crowed of people who were dancing. I saw Mabel and mermando dancing. I just smiled and enjoyed the party.

After a few more minute Bill came up to me.
" hey pinetree, i known technically it's supposed to be female and male but I think it doesn't really matter so.." I just gave him a confused look.
" want to go dance with me"
He reached out his hand for mine. So sweet.
I smiled but then my expression change to sadness
" as much as I want to go dance with you bill, I don't think it's a good idea for me to go dance. I feel like everyone will be staring at me or they all would stop what there doing because they think I want to dance alone or I don't want anyone else to dance for some reason." The last part I said a bit confused for anyone who thought that.
" I just feel like I would stop everyone from having fun dancing or something." I said with a bit of a disappointed voice.
" hmm, i know come with me pinetree" He smiled at me and took my hand and basically dragged me along.
He lead us to a hall nobody was in and let my wrist go.
" here" he lifted his palm up and a cape appeared
" umm what's that supposed to do exactly" I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him confused.
" Take yours off and I'll show you"
I untied mine and gave it to him. He took it and put it to the side with a table we were near. Then he put the cape he made appear on me. Most of the time here I had my eyebrow raised and a confused look.
" There" he put the hood up so you can't really see my face.
" Now nobody will know its you"
" why couldn't I just put my hood up?" I said still confused
"Because if you haven't realized pinetree, your cape has a big crescent moon on the back so everyone will know it's you. Unlike this one it's made to be mine but I'm not one to wear capes so I don't really wear, so for tonight I'll let you wear it" he smiled at me. I'm still confused as to how this helps me.
" so what the point in you letting me wear yours"
"Do you seriously not know. *sigh* nobody knows it you. So that means any of your fears of going to dance can't come true if nobody knows that your the one dancing."
" which means....... I can go dance and nobody will know it's me...well then bill I guess I can say yes to your invite" i gave him a sweet smile and he smiled back and held my hand as he lead me back to the ball room.

This is the end of the chapter for now. Sorry it's not that good of a place to end this chapter but I promise next chapter will be a bit better ending than this one.

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