Our Kingdome Now

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~~~ Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A few minutes have passed and I have calmed down a bit. I made my way to the edge of the forest to see the weirdness i saw everyone running and screaming trying to hide from the weird monsters. i looked up at the sky and saw what i believe is Bill's castle he's told me about before. I look at the ground and at the town that is slowly being destroyed. Then i started flying towards Bill's castle entrance.

Once i entered the triangle shaped castle i saw Bill, Will, Blue, and Wolf in what im assuming is a throne room. I also saw four other people that im guessing are Bill's demon friends.

" Dipper!" i heard Blue and Wolf call my name while running up to me.

" Hey guys" i said smiling before i was tackled into a big hug. The girls let go after a few more seconds.

" Thank god you came back, it was getting a bit awkward here for us" Blue said loud enough for me and Wolf to hear her.

" Yeah it's been a while since we both have been in the nightmare realm" Wolf said loud enough for only us three to hear.

~~~~~~~Bill's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I saw pinetree talking to Blue and Wolf.

" Is that the person you seem to listen to" I heard Paci-Fire say.

" He looks weak why are you listening to him" I heard 8-ball say.

" Can both of you shut up for once" I looked at both of them in anger. Now I wish they stayed in the nightmare realm instead of coming here.

I turned around to see Pinetree and the girls come up to us.

" Hi Bill, are these your friends you've talked about" Pinetree asked me while looking at the four others.

" Umm yea" I said looking at the four idiots infront of me.

" Aww you look so adorable" Pyronica said while going up to pinetree and pinching his cheeks.

~~~~Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The girl with bright pink hair came up to me calling me adorable, she reminds me of Mabel and her fun energy.

"umm hello to you as well?" I said in a confused voice.

" Sorry its just that you look so sweet and innocent" She said giving me a sweet smile.

" Anyways Pinetree, this is key hole"

" Hey"


"Whats up"



" and Pyronica"

" HI" She said waving franticly

" Hello" I said smiling at everyone

" So what do we do now exactly" Bill said giving me a confused look

"hmm, well can I ask something first" I said to all of them. I wanted to see if my guess is right if not then I guess it will be fine too.

" Sure what" Pyronica said

" Do you guys have a demon form or is this your natural forms" I said a bit confused as to why there not in that form instead.

" We do but Bill told us to change to human form" Pyronica said somewhat glaring at bill

" Yeah he was like Just change already" Key hole said trying to make an impression of bill.

" Oh yeah he was like you guys need to change before pinetree gets back" Paci-fire said also trying to make a Bill impression.

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