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POV Dipper~~~

I started writing my name over and over again on these invitations. I didn't think much until I came to one that was for the prince's of the Cipher Kingdome, it was a bit strange to me that Mabel wanted to invite them, usually they don't show up when they are invited. That's why people have given up on inviting them. I will be amazed that they actually show up.

I finished writing my name and my wrist hurts. For half of them I just used a repeat spell because I didn't want to waste my whole night writing my name over and over again. Its currently 12:45 from what I can read from the town clock. I got up from my thrown and made my way to the main castle doors. There's no guards here since I always tell them to just go to sleep early. I walked outside and I see the night patrol coming up the mountain's street. I was about to fly off into town before I heard my name and from the distance I can see a night patroller running towards me.

" Dipper, I know I'm technically not supposed to be with the night patrollers but i just couldn't stop myself by leading them" It was blue and she was giving me a quick hug. She was a bit out of breath when she was talking to me.

" Its okay blue, I don't really care if you follow them, besides I don't think that its a big deal that you want to help them out" i gave her a sweet smile

" okay i guess, well i got to go hope you have fun doing your job" she waved at me and started running off with the others guards.

" Bye blue" i said, but I don't think she heard me.

I turned to face the town. I closed my eyes and focused on bringing my wings out. In two seconds i sense their presence on my back. I turned my head slight to see them unfolded and spread out. My wings look like a piece of the night sky is on me. I did a quick run and jumped of the mountain. Before i squish myself on the floor i spread my wings and start flying up to the sky. I made my way to the statue of Mabel. The town thought it would be a good idea to make a statue of her and only her.

i shake my head and landed on the statues palm. The town wanted her to look like a goddess so they made the statue have that kind of pose. Her head was posed a bit tilted, her eyes where closed, her hands were posed to look like she was holding water or something. Her statue was standing and it was put in front of the mountain. Above her statues head was a visible castle.

I looked at the town and used some of my magic to see if there's any bad dreams going on. Above all the houses in the town were bubbles that show the peoples dream. I started to fly above the houses to get a better close up for any bad dreams.

After a bit of flying around i made my way back to the castle. Nobody was inside or out. I made my way to the throne room and sat at my throne i looked through the books ford left me to read. I saw an interesting book, Well more like journal. It had a sticker of six fingers and the number 3 written on it. I flipped through the pages and it looked quite interesting. I started reading part of the book and i was very intrigued by it.

Time skip-------because I'm lazy :)------

3rds person POV

Mabel's ball she planned was in two weeks. She was able to send all the invitations to everyone she invited. Including the other Kingdome's. She was excited more than ever to have everyone here to have fun, while also looking for a lover. Dipper isn't to excited knowing that if everyone saw him there they would think about being proper and not disrespecting anything in their Kingdome or else they fear dippers "punishment". He's also struggling with keeping the dark from over taking him.

In the Gleeful Kingdome, Gideon is figuring how to get dipper into marrying him. Gideon has tried many times to get Mabel, but she has always refused and dipper has been the one protecting Mabel from him. But who would protect Dipper from " happiness" surely not Mabel, she would want him to live a happy life. If that happy life involved Gideon than so be it. Gideon just needed a simple plan to trick Dipper and Mabel.

In the Northwest Kingdome, Pacifica was trying to figure out how to tell Mabel these feelings she's had over their " Tuesday Tea". She's not quite sure how to tell her theses feelings. She can only hope that she figures it out before the ball.

And finally in the Cipher Kingdome, Bill and Will where arguing about going or not. Will wanted to go because Mabel asked, more like begged him to make the pastries. After all, she knew that he was the best of the best when it came to pasties. Bill on the other hand didn't want to go to a " lame ball" full of idiotic 'meatsacks'. Will was trying to figure out a way to tell bill he's going while also tricking him into going as well.

Everyone else were figuring out what to wear to Mabel and Mason pines Ball.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm not that great :)

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