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Dipper's POV~~~~~~

" Dipper I finally found you" I heard blue's voice and out of fear I jumped back hitting my back once again on the tree. Bill leaned back before Blue landed next to us.

" Oh Bill, did I ruin something" She felt a bit bad

" ummm no it's okay. So what did you need me for?" I said changing the subject

" Hmm oh yea I came looking for you because me and wolf were out in the towns ruins and we saw everyone in the castle start leaving. A few people went into the forest and others started heading into the ruins of the town, I think the rest of them left into a different part of the wood. Mystery Shacks direction." She said a bit concerned for them since most of the weird creatures and weirdness bubbles where everywhere.

" Tell everyone to not hurt any of them. We need to see what their planning. If anything there doing something, I know there not looking for survival things because there so much of that in the castle. There planning something and we need to see what it is" I said looking at the both of them. Blue nodded and turned around. She transformed into a dragon and flew off to tell everyone.

" Are you sure their planning something pinetree" Bill said getting up and standing in front of me.

" No im not but its the only real explanation as to why they all left the safety of the castle. And if most of them made their way towards the Mystery shack their are most likely planning something that would include using the mystery shack." I said turning around and looking at the sky. I summoned my wings and started flying back to the fearamid. Bill soon joined me and we made our way back.

We made it back to the fearamid and Blue was still out. Wolf and the other demons were in the main room messing around and playing games.

Atleast she's getting to know them

I joined them to pass the time.

A few minutes after playing games Blue came back from telling the other demons and weirdness to not attack the people of the town. She joined us and everything was going fine in the fearamid. It felt like we all were childhood friends and were just hanging out like always. Talking about random stuff and playing games was fun and I enjoyed the moment while it still lasted. Im not sure why but I had a feeling that this wont last forever and I wanted to take the most out of this.

" Hey pinetree I want to show you something" Bill said getting me out of my thoughts.

" Umm ok" I said getting up and following him

I followed him to the tip of the fearamid in side a room. In the room there was a window and you could see the whole town.

" So what did you want to show me" I said turning around to face him

" Well I wanted to show you the view but I also wanted to continue what happened earlier before we got interrupted" He said as he walked up to me putting on hand on my waist and the other on my cheek

ii felt my face heating up because of how close he was. I started slowly walking back and my back ended up hitting the wall. My face has to look like the galaxy by now. Bill brushed his thumb on my cheek.

" Pinetree have I ever told you how adorable you look when your blushing" He said somewhat whispering. That only made me blush more. He started leaning towards me and soon are foreheads touched and our lips were just a few centimeter away. I looked him in the eyes and I could see that they were the most beautiful golden color.

Soon he leaned in more and I closed my eyes and I could feel his lips on mine. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. Our lips were in sync. He bit my bottom lip and I opened my mouth and he put his toung in my mouth. We fought for dominance and I failed.

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