Demon Questionnaire

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I kept hearing someone call my name. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't.

Hello? Why cant I open my eyes.

I tried talking but I couldn't. I felt like there were pounds of rocks on top of me. I felt like I wasn't breathing normally. It felt like my eyes and mouth were super glued shut.

My eyes finally opened but the moment I opened them I was blinded by a bright light. Once I recovered my vision I looked around and I saw what looked like some kind of court room.

" Hello" Said a deep voice. I looked up and I saw different kinds of demon sitting in front of me staring me down. A few looked annoyed others looked tired.

"Please state your full name and your part in the mortal world" The one in the middle spoke. There was one demon in the middle and two other demons on either side of that one.

" Uh my name is Mason Pines and im the prince of the pines Kingdome" I said a bit quietly.

" Mason, two of the most powerful demons in the nightmare realm choose you to be a demon. Now is your choice. Would you except becoming a demon and follow the rule we provide for you, or choose to decline their offer and stay a mortal. If you decline you are to be sent back to where you were before and we will erase your memory of ever being here." He spoke a bit annoyed about being here but also sounding a bit concern? Im not so sure, could be his normal voice.

" Umm, I accept" I said sounding a bit confused. I though when I told Wolf yes that was it. They all spoke to each other for a few seconds and then faced towards me

" Mason Pines you are here by known as a demon. Your record will be saved in the book of demons, you will have your own summoning wheel. From here on out you follow the demon rules" And with that he snapped his fingers and I was ingulfed by a dark blue flame. I was now in the pitch black.

Well what do I do NOW? Where am I.

The scenery changed and I was now in a white room. There was a bookshelf, a table and a mirror. I went to the table and I saw a book on it. There was an envelope inside. I opened the page and I saw the letter first.

To: Mason Pines. It said on the envelope. I opened it and started reading.

Dear Mason,

Welcome to the world of a demon. We are all different. Different powers and stuff. Anyways I wrote you this note to tell you about who you are in this demon world. Well the book says it all. Its the book of demons, it record every demon that ever existed. Might even find your demon friends inside. You are now part of this book which means your page has been added to the book. It talks about what kind of demon you are and how powerful you are. Anyways I don't want to waste much of your time with this note so for now I saw goodbye, maybe one day I could met you in person.

Sincerely, Record Demon

Hmm maybe you will.

I put the note to the side and I grabbed the book. I saw a picture of me sitting on my knees holding Moon flowers. The background looked like I was in the forest. My eyes were closed and I was smiling sweetly. I was wearing a black dress shirt and what im assuming is black pants. I had a cape on that was black on the outside but the galaxy on the inside. The cresent moon on my forehead was slighty glowing in the picture.

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