Creating The Plan

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I forgot to mention this but mabels dress design is the one she wore to Pacificas house party one episode. just so you guys know.

~~~~Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In anger I use magic I made myself a full black hoodie with a glowing dark moon on the back. I got myself a very dark blue dress shirt an black pants. I got a pair of very dark almost black blue shoes on and I made my way outside the castle to raise the moon.

Why does she promise me things and then breaks that promise?

Why does she always forget me?

ShE wOnT fOrgEt tHIs NighT

ThIS NiGht wIlL HaUnt hER iN hEr MemOrIeS, DreAMs

Once I made it to the front doors two guards saw me and were in shocked. They saw my angry expression and quickly moved to open the doors for me. I didn't speak. I didn't want to.

I past by to the side of the castle to see hundreds of people there. I still had an angered and annoyed expression on my face. I turned around and went to a lonely place with a visible view of where the moon will rise. I made sure no one was there to see me and I started to use my magic to raise it. Once I raised the moon I was able to hear a few gasps.

I made my way back to the big party, but when I got there I saw everyone singing happy birthday to Mabel. I still had the same expression. A few people saw me and made a small path for me. People saw what was going on and In a few seconds I had a path straight to Mabels big table set up. Everyone slowly stopped singing. They never finished the song and from where I stood I heard whispers. I slowly walked up to the table. I saw Mabel look up from her cake. Finally she pays attention to the crowds quietness geez. Once she saw me her expression went from happy and excited to sadness and guilt.

How many times will you forget me?

Are you TRYING to forget me?

" Omg Dipper I totally forgot to go get you. Im SO SO SO Sorry.PLEASE DIPPER.PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I didn't mean to forget you ijustgotreallybusyandeveryonewastalkingtometakingupmytimedipperimsorryireallyam"

I gave her a blank look

Then get it through your thick skull of memories with people you love and actually try to remember me.

Does she really even bother to remember me

" Stop saying sorry" My voice was deep and scary I didn't meant to talk o her like that, I didn't even know my voice could do that. I said it in a whisper so only she could hear it but when she heard my voice she might as well just burst into tears because she was now sad and scared of me.

"Listen mabel im sorry"

Even though your the one that's supposed to apologies ill just take the blame again. Like always

" I get it your sorry"

Even though you don't seem to be sorry at all

"Lets just continue this party like nothing went wrong okay"

Enjoy this party while its still a dream

Before I turn it to your wort nIghTmArE

"Okay dipper, but I swear while this party is still going on I will make it up to you"

" okay mabel"

Stop making promises to me

Soon mabel was able to bring the party back to life and everyone was having fun. Bill made it a few minutes after me and mabels discussion and once he got here I pulled him, blue and wolf to the side. Bill was in a yellow dress shirt and black pants with yellow shoes. Blue was in a crop top sweater that was lightblue and black shorts. Wolf was in a white dress shirt with black pants and her wolf ears and tail were out, she split her hair a bit of the center of her head so you could see her white streak.

~~~~~Quick A/N ~~~~~~~~~~

Wolf is a demonwolf shes a bit tan and she as a natural white streak of hair. Her hair is light brown. Shes about the same height as dipper. I forgot to mention but dippers about 6'1. Sorry it took me a few chapters to confirm his height. :/ Anyways back to the story


Once I got them all together and made sure no one else to could hear our conversation I told them my crazy plan.

" Alright ill be straight forwards with you guys. I want your help to build up my plan. I just want to know if you guys are willing to help me with this because I really do trust you guys."

" Sure dipper I would love to help you" Blue said a bit confused but willingly agreed,

" Aww love I wouldn't mind helping besides im always on your side." Wolf said confident about my choice in asking her.

" sure pinetree what do you need help with" Bill said while giving me a small but sweet smile.

" Okay so I need help with a distraction for everyone, while someone is the distraction I will cast a spell to make sure that the sun will not rise anymore. Then we could find a way to open the mindscape in this world. I know I might sound crazy for doing this and asking you guys to help me out but im tired of being forgotten and im tired of mabel getting all the glory while people are making horror stories about me. I want to show the townsfolk what it really means to see a nightmare they cant wake up from. I want to rule as many kingdoms as I can to show what it really means to be a king. Mabel is basically considered a queen here anyways. shes not even the older sibling shes not supposed to be queen here." I saw them look at each other and then back at me.

"Alrighty love tell us what kind of distraction you want and for how long" Wolf said while smiling at me

" Yea and give us a bit more details about this plan and how exactly you want us to open the mindscape" Blue said with a bit more energy.

" I know someone here who would love to help us as well, not to mention ive got quite a few friends in the mindscape who could help us take over this kingdome" Bill said while giving me a grin

" Alright then lets go somewhere more private an ill explain with more details this plan ive got in mind" I told them, wolf decided that we should go to her small castle in the forest to talk about the plan while everyone else is here enjoying the party while it lasts.


Sorry to end the story here. But get ready for the next chapter, lets see how dipper plans his rise. :)

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