Welcome to the Ball pt.1

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The picture above is Mabel's dress design except she has her symbol of the sun on her chest area ****hopefully I make sense*****


Two weeks later...

Ball day

Mabel's POV~~~~~~

I woke up a bit tired. I looked around my room and I saw my ball dress. Then it hit me.

" THE BALLS TODAY!" I basically screamed in excitement. I had the biggest smile on my face as I started to get ready. After a quick shower I changed into my dress for the day. I was so excited for today. I just cant wait.

I made my way to the throne room to see if any news came. I mostly wanted good news for the ball.

I finally made it to the throne room and I saw blue.

" Oh Mabel I got a letter for you"

" Ooh~ whos it from" Now I was couriuse.

" Its from the Cipher kingdome, would you like me to read it to you"

" No its fine blue ill read it" I took the letter in her hand and opened it. It read..



              Dear Mabel and Dipper pines,

   I Will Cipher and Bill Cipher from the Cipher Kingdome except your invitation to the ball, along with helping you with pastries. Hope its not too late.

                                                                                        Sincerely, Will and Bill Cipher



I looked at the paper and I can tell my face expression was both shocked and confusion. I cant believe it. There not one's to accept invitations.

" umm Mabel? are you okay.... Well what does the letter say"

I couldn't speak for some reason. I guess from shock, so I just gave her the letter to read. After a few second she screamed


" BLUE language" I personally understand why she sweard but if Ford heard her say that and me not telling her about not saying it he would give us both a LONG LONG conversation about not swearing.

" I'm sorry Mabel but I don't know how else to express how I feel after READING THIS. I cant BELIEVE the Ciphers excepted your invitation and said they would help you out. I mean to get me wrong but something seems a bit fishy about this letter" She started to sound a bit worried about it. It does seem a bit fishy but them coming is a great thing.

" I know it is, but look at the bright side of it their actually going to come to my ball."

" hmm Im not so sure its a good idea that they come, can we at least up our guard power. Maybe we can ask Wolf is she would be willing to come and be a guard as well"

" I don't really see a reason to do that Blue, but if it makes you feel better than okay" I gave her a big smile.

" I need to go make sure the castle is ready for the ball tonight so I need to get going. Bye Blue" I Waved her goodbye and turned around and made my way to look for the servants to help decorate.

3rds person POV--------------------------

As night time fell Mabel was telling people what to do to finish the decorations and making sure everything is perfect. The Cipher twins made it an hour early to bring the pastries Will made at their Kingdome. The both of them decided to stay and help out. Mostly Will helped. Bill was too busy complaining to Will about making him come. What Will didn't know was that Bill decided to come to both be a bodyguard to Will and see for himself what the big deal was with this kid 'Dipper' or more like 'Mason'. He would over hear conversations with the people of his Kingdome talk about how this kid was more cruel than he was. This made Bill a bit jealous over this kid. He wanted to see first hand how this kid was more cruel than him.

Soon slowly people started to enter and admire the castles beauty. In no time the castle's ball room was filled with sea's of people. Mabel was a bit busy putting a few extra things together while also greeting people as they enter. The sun was coming down which meant that Dipper will soon join everyone in the ball room. Nobody remembered about dipper. Nobody in the castle, not even Mabel. Even after he stold her countless times in the two weeks to wak ehim up an hour early to join her with greeting people.

After three hours of the ball beginning Dippers alarm turned on which meant he had 30 minutes to get ready and raise the moon.

POV Dipper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I felt this feeling in my gut that something was wrong but I wasn't sure what. After lifting myself up from my bed I looked around my room and saw my outfit for the ball on a maniquen. Then it hit. Mabel forgot. Everyone forgot. I shaked my head. I got off my bed and went to get ready. I quickly showered and changed into my outfit for the Ball. My outfit was a navy blue dress shirt, black dress pants, dress shoes, and a cape I got made personally for me, which was black on the outside and inside was the galaxy. On the back of it was a crescent moon as well. I fixed my hair a bit to cover part of my cresent moon on my forehead and made my way outside.

I was walking down the halls and I saw a few servants walking pass me, some with plates of pastries and other with empty plates. A few were shocked at seeing me, I guess they thought I would skip the ball. Before leaving through the main doors I saw mabel greeting a few people. She turned around and saw me, the moment she did her faced dropped from happy to shocked to sadness. She started to run up to me.

" Oh my gosh Dipper im so sorry I didn't wake you up earlier, ijustgotreallybusywiththepreparationsfortheballanditotallyforgot. Dipper please Forgive me" She looked like she was about to tear up. Why should I you always seem to forget me. I shacked my head. Dipper stop.

" Mabel please calm down its okay I get it you got busy and forgot. Its alright its not the end of the world" I looked at her and gave her a sweet smile to make her feel better.

" Its not okay Dipper"

Then stop making the mistake over and over again

" I shouldn't be forgiven"

I know I said I forgave you, doesn't mean I really do

" I'll make it up to you I promise"

Stop making promises you cant keep

" Mabel listen to me, I forgive you, stop making it a big deal" I whispered in her ear so only she can hear me " People are staring and are most likely going to make up some story about how I made you feel bad, so please calm down and except my apology" I said it in a sweet voice so she doesn't take it personal but can understand where I'm going with it. Because unlike her while she's being praised for how amazing she is I'm being made as a scary story to tell for little kids. Unlike her nobody sees what I do amazing. Dipper stop.

" Mabel I need to get going, I need to do my job right now"

" I'm sorry dipper, and okay see you at the ball room then" She started off sad but then made herself cheer up.

I made my way outside and went to the edge of the mountain. I didn't see anyone outside so I closed my eyes and did my " magic" to raise the moon.

" So your the cruel Mason or Dipper pines? Am I correct"



Hope I left you guys in a cliff hanger. ;)

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