Another Way Around It

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Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Im not sure how long ive been in this place but I kept going through different doors seeing my childhood. I kept following the blue streak, I gave up on trying to take a hold of it.

I entered a new door and this time I was 12 years old. Me, Mabel, Grunkle Stand, and Ford were all in the throne. My eyes widen at the memory.

This was when they talked to us about ruling.


" Listen kiddos you need to adjust to the throne and the part you play in this Kingdome. I know your still young but you need to start thinking about what will soon be your Kingdome." Stan said looking at the two twins

" Yes it's true that it will be overwhelming but you both are very smart kids and we both know you'll do great" Ford said while also looking at the twins.


The blue streak passed my vision as to tell me our time seeing this memory has passed. I looked down at the ground remembering what mabel told me after this. I looked to see where the streak went. When I found it I followed it through the new door.

Were definetly going to be here for a while.

Blue's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We kept looking through multiple different books that talk about a moon curse. We were able to find the Blue Moon Curse but it was no help because it just said how long the curse lasted. We don't have that much time to wait. All of us here are impatient people, we cant wait.

If we used a time spell we might end up messing something up. We arent supposed to use those kind of spell's. Only we if we some how beg Time Baby. But who has the time to deal with that baby.

** Only patient people****

Where the hell is Wolf? And when is she planning on coming back to help us and tell us what her plan was that involved leaving?

Wolf's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was in a certain area of the nightmare realm. Specifically the 'libary'. Its not an ordinary library like the mortal world. It has so many spell books and cursed books nobody has time to read all of them. Then again this is an endless library full of crazy books.

As I looked around the libabry for the book I was looking for, I also took the time to look for any Blue Moon Curse book that talks about any cheat way to skip through that whole waiting process.

Non of those demons are patient. Especially Bill and Blue.

I turned to wolf form to speed my process of finding that book.

After a couple of minutes. Even though it felt like an eternity. I found the book.

" Finally" I said tired and happy. I skimmed through the book to see if it was the right one. Once I found the page I needed I made my way out of the 'library' and back to my castle.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I made my way through the forest. Stupid portal didn't go to the right location.

Once I made to the castle Blue started to yell at me for leaving in a crisis without a proper explanation.

" Okay Blue I get it your mad at me but let me please explain my thought's to everyone" I said making my way to the main room where everyone else where.

" Now you came back" Bill said

" Where did you go Wolf" Will said

" Leaving us here so we do all the work" 8-Ball said

I rolled my eyes and went to the table that they moved to the middle.

" Listen love's I left for a good reason. I knew there was a book that would at least help us get dipper back. But it might be a bit risky for him to go through with it. I never wanted to do something like this to dear dipper but I don't see another way to go around this spell. I want dipper to agree so ill find away to get to talk to him some how" I said while looking through the pages to find it. While my way to leave the library I found a different book that would help me at least contact Dipper even with his curse.

I found the paged and placed it on the table. Everyone was gathered around the table looking at the paged I put it on. I looked through the other book for the paged I was going to use to contact Dipper.

" Do you think this will even work?" Blue said looking at the spell confused.

" And how EXACTLY is this going help us get Pinetree back" Bill said confused and angry a bit.

" Well if im correct we will be able to summon him and he will appear like so" I said as if it was obvious.

" And how are you going to get pinetree to agree or even except the fact that this spell will change him in a way" Bill said crossing his arms not wanting to make this our only option.

" Im going to contact him with this spell. If he says no then we will find another way or wait the 6 years for the next Blue Moon." I said placing the book with the page i needed. I looked at all of them with pleading eyes to let me do this even if it was dangerous.

" *sigh* Fine" Bill said looking at the book's not finding a different way to help.

" Okay thank you" I grabbed the book's and went to the room that held our sleeping Dipper.

I looked at the spell i needed to contact him. Everyone was waiting outside not wanting to disturb me. I took a deep breath and i chanted the spell. I was holding dippers hand while chanting the spell. I had my eyes closed and soon i felt a wave of heaviness and i opened my eyes. I was in a room and i was startled when i heard my name

"Wolf? What are you doing here" It was Dipper. I turned around and i saw him standing confused as to how im here.

" Dipper" I gave him a big hug

" Oh dear you have no idea how much we all miss you. I came here to talk to you." I said leaving the hug and getting the book with the spell we were going to use on him.

" Listen i don't know if i will get kicked out of here or not but i want your consent to do this. If not then i will kept a burden of doing something you might not like." I said as i looked quickly for the page.

" Wait what do you mean" He said even more confused

" Here" I gave him the book to show him what spell.

" I want to make sure that you want this. if not then we will find another way to get you out of this curse." I said as he looked at the spell. His eyes widen and i knew he fully understood why i wanted him to hopefully say yes.

" Let me get this straight you want my consent to cast a spell on my mortal body to make me a demon in order to find another way out of whatever curse Mabel casted on me" He said confused and shocked.

" Yes" i said a little quietly

" Umm i don't know" He said giving me the book back with a confused and sadden look with a little fear.

" Listen dear if you don't to go through with this then we could find another way to get you out. If you haven't realized yet but Blue and Bill are very impatient demons and they are going to take the time to get you out before the 6 year mark. I'll explain your curse more when ever you get out. I came here to ask for your consent to do this. I understand if your afraid to go through with it and im sure we can find a different approach instead of this one" I said giving him a loving smile. He stayed quite for a moment. Im guessing he's thinking of what to do.

" Wolf I



hope you guys enjoyed. See you next chapter. Most of you can guess dippers answer but anywasy that for Next chapter :) Cliff hanger i guess?

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