Daily routines

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POV Mabel ~~~

Today I woke up from my alarm to get ready. I give my self 45 minutes to get ready for the day and start everyone's morning with the sun.

As I finished getting ready I head for the main hall ways. I'm the princess of Gravity Falls the town just below the mountain that holds the castle we live in. Dipper is technically the prince of Gravity Falls as well but mostly just for the night.
I finally made my way towards the big castle door and I'm greeted by a very tired dipper. "Hey dip n'dots how was your night"
" mmh" was all I got out of him. I guess he's really tired, " well I guess get a good rest for tomorrow. Bye dipper" I said giving him a sweet but sincere smile. " Thanks mabes" he quietly mumbled to me, well at least I got a full answer this time. I waved my hand good bye and headed for the castle door. As I slowly walk to the edge of the mountain I lift my hands up and concentrate on lifting the sun. As I close my eyes I feel my power on my hands and i feel a warm breeze i open my eyes to see the sun above the other mountains.

I smile and make my way to the castle to start another busy full schedule day.

POV Dipper~

After somewhat speaking to Mabel I made my way to my room. I just only wish I could get to my room faster.
I made my way to the hallway and I see a few guards. Once they see me they straighten up and I could sense their fear, I wish I wasn't too intimidating when it came to the stories people made about me. I only passed them and looked at the ground. I didn't want to waste my time explaining for the millionth time that it was okay for them to be relaxed and do what they were doing before they saw me. I slowly made my way to the door that lead to a bunch of staircases. My room is located on the tallest and biggest tower the castle has, and the only reason why It's my room is because it the only room that is actually quite and nobody ever bothers me up there. It's the only room I know that is both quite and calming. Its the only room I can get any sleep during the day. I can live with sleeping for 3 hours but after two weeks it's not the greatest life style.

After climbing the spiral staircase I finally made it to my door. I entered my room which felt like a mistake since I was tired for some reason my curtains were open and my window was facing the sun. I quickly close my curtains and now it was almost pitch black inside the only light i had were the glowing stars i had on my ceiling. I turned my light on and changed into some comfortable clothing and turned the light back off. I laid down on my bed, which somewhat looked like a bed for a princess not a prince. It was a queen size bed with a light blue canopy just above my head and it covered the entire bed. I usually tie it up but I guess when mables bored she would come up to my room and untie it so it looked nicer.

After a bit of complaining sleep finally took over me.

Time Skip to night ~~~~

POV Mabel————

I stayed at the throne room waiting for dipper. It's currently 9:30pm and a few minutes ago I saw grúñeles Ford enter here and leave a stack of books on dipper's throne. I guess dipper spend's most of his night reading.

I lost my train of thought when I heard the doors open.
" Hi Mabel, why are you still awake usually your getting ready to sleep at this time?" Dipper finally showed up.
" yeah well I wanted to stay up and ask you something" I was fidgeting with a piece of my dress, it's been a while since I've seen him do it.
"Ask me what Mabel"
"I was wondering if I can see you raise the moon, it's been a long long time since I've seen you do it."
" oh, ummm sure I guess? Why do you want to see you already know how I do it."
" Oh c'mon bro bro I know this but I want to personally see it again" I said giving him a big smile.
" ok fine, remember you can speak while I'm doing it or you will mess me up"
" Yay thanks bro bro"

We made our way to the main doors of the castle there stood two guards, who were wearing metal armor with a moon symbol on their shoulders, Ive seen them before those were the night guards. They open the door for us and we walked outside but before dipper could step another foot outside he was tackled into a bear hug.

POV Dipper~~~

I was tackled to a bear hug which scared me a little but I soon realized that it was Blue.
" Hi dipper how's your night so far" she sounded energetic, like always.
" Blue....c-can't b-breath"
" Oops sorry" as she said that she got off me and helped me up. From the corner of my eye I see two guards look a bit impressed, it must be because they thought I would have exploded on her but i can't, she's like another sister to me. She sometimes reminds me of Mabel, except she's a bit more mature than her.

**** if you guys haven't noticed blue is my oc her real name is crystal she prefers blue since her symbol is a dragon she can transform into a dragon, which is white almost like a snow dragon except her scales have a blue shiner to it.... If that description makes any sense. She has a pixie haircut with the tips of her hair dyed blue her natural hair color is a light Brown. Her skin color is a very light tan almost white but not quite. She has blue eyes. :) She's an inch taller than Mable and two away from dipper. *****

" Hi blue, how have you been it's been a while since I've gotten to talk to you." Mable started a small conversation with blue.

Blue was wearing her "night guard armor" which was just some black pants and a white crop top sweater. On the back of her sweater was her symbol which was the head of a dragon. On her shoulders were her night guard badges. She had her sword on her back. I had to end their conversation before I'm late to raise the moon.
" I'm sorry to cut your guys conversation but I have to go do my job. Cmon Mabel"
" Oh right, see you some other time blue" Mabel waved bye to her and so did I.
" Bye guys" she waved goodbye and started to chat with the other guard at the door.

Me and Mabel made it to the edge of the mountain. One more step forward and your a goner. I lift my hands up and close my eyes. I focus on lifting the moon. I made a gesture as if I was holding the moon with the palms of my hands. I felt a cold breeze and I put my hands down and open my eyes, and just above the mountains you can see the moon. I smile and turn around to see mable. She started a small clap for me.
" Oh my goodness dipper your amazing every time" she gave me a sweet smile and a small hug. I hugged her back and said," mable you should get going to sleep now or you will be tired by morning"
" Finneee, but before I go i need to sign the invitations for the ball"
" The ball? What ball mable" I looked at her confused, usually she tells me about something big like that before she even starts planing it.
" Well yea dipper, grunkle Stan and Ford were talking to me about how me and you need to find someone to marry, and I now right now we're only 19 but it's never to early to start looking am I right"
"Mable you know about my situations and two of those make me finding someone even more difficult"
" I know but where inviting everyone from the for kingdoms and besides there's bound to be someone who hasn't heard the stories about you" she looked at me with hopefully eyes. I sighed and looked at her with a small fake smile "okay Mabel I'll sign them" she smiled at me and made her way to the main doors of the castle. I sighed again and looked at the village below the castle. I'm pretty sure everyone has heard my stories. But I have to do this for Mabel so she can be happy. I made my way inside the castle, let's just hope I can finish before the night ends.

This was the first chapter of my story I hope whoever read this that you enjoyed it. More OC's in the future 😊. I promise this story gets better just trust me 😃

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