Stop Acting so Childish

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Its been about two days since i saw my " family". I wanted to tell Mabel so much just so she could understand but i knew if i did i would get interrupted by everyone else. I talked with Bill about finding a way to get Mabel here without physical bringing her here.


" Its simple Pinetree just bring her here through the mindscape." Bill said looking at me like i should have known this.

" Okay and how exactly do i do that, Im not sure if you notice yet but im not a dream demon like you" I said raising my eyebrow at him and crossing my hands.

" Yeah but you the 'god' of the moon and dreams im sure you can find a way to talk to her through a dream" He said looking at me like i should have though about my powers more

~~~~~~~~~~Flashback over~~~~~~~

Geez he was soo helpful

I was able to find a way to get into her dreams without needing to worry about the shield on the castle.


The day ended and everyone should be falling asleep soon. I know it looks difficult to tell what time it is. I left the fearamid and headed off to the castle to find Mabel.

After finally being able to pass through the castle's shield i was able to find Mabel sleeping in her room. I entered her room and entered into her dream.

I switched her dream to look like we were in the fearamid.

" Mabel" I said standing behind her. I put us in a hallway with a closed window.

she turned around. " Dipper" she looked scared.

" Why am i here, how am i here. AM I STILL DREAMING" Mabel staretd freaking out about being here.

" Mabel listen" i said giving her a death glare.

" Its time you understand about the situation right now" i said walking around her and towards the closed window

" Open up your eyes, see the world from where i stand" I said opening the closed window and stood next to the window so she can see outside.

She walked up to the window to see the distruction of the town and the fires and burnt trees in the forest.

" Me and the mighty can cage you just like that" I said snapping my fingers and she was now in a cage in the middle of the hallway.

" Its time to grow up an get wise, c'mon and open your eyes" I said slowly walking up to the cage. I lift my hands up to look like im going to hit her with some magic. She closed her eyes in fear.

I made her dream change. We were now in the throne room. Mabel was no longer in the cage and she soon opened her eyes to see the scene about to play in front of us.

It was younger us in the castle.

" We all start out the same believing everyone" it was me and Mabel when we were younger before we had to do our jobs. we were playing in the throne room.

The scene changed and now we are a little older

" But then there comes a time when the truth hits you" Now we saw 13 year old us. I was in my room looking out the window. I walked up the window to hint at Mabel to look out.

" If you depent on everyone else, you'll never find yourself" When she did she saw her outside having fun in her birthday party that everyone forgot to get me to celebrate me as well. her eyes were wide open and she covered her mouth. Then younger me moved away from the window and into a corner and sat down crying. I looked at younger me sad about remembering that day.

The scene changed once again.

" As you take the first few step's on the path on your own, You'll realize that the best way to survive is alone" Now the scene was what had happen on the day of our birthday party Mabel plan supposedly just for me.

She was still in shock about what had happen throughout the years of our childhood.

The scene then changed once again and now we were in the throne room of the fearamid.

" Open up your eyes Mabel" I said walking to the middle of the throne room

" Me and the mighty can cage you just like that" I said once again snapping my fingers and she was in a caged.

" Give up the sweet innocent way of seeing this world" I raised my arms up and then down to look at her in the eyes.

" See the world from where i stand" I stomped my foot on the floor

" See the land for what it is now" I moved my hand in a swiping motion and the floor was now see through and you could see the broken down town and the fires in the forest. Mabel looked down in horror of what has become of the Pines Kingdome.

" Its time to grow up" I said looking at her and giving her a death glare. The scene changed and now we were floating just as high as the fearamid. Mabel was still in the caged but now she was looking at the ground afraid of falling to her death. She looked at me again with pleading eyes.

" Its time to grow up. Open your eyes for once Mabel" I put my hand up and got rid of the cage.

Mabel was now falling to the ground.

Mabels POV~~~~~~~~~~~

Dipper got rid of the cage and i started falling.


I was close to the ground. I tried to brace for the impact of the ground and soon everything went black.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully it was more interesting as well.

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