Blue Streak of Memory

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" Wolf I

Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" I " I know what my answer is I just cant find away to bring myself to say it. Wolf said something about waiting 6 years and I don't want any of them to wait that long. Like she said Bill and Blue are very impatient people.

*technically demons but ok*

Some days I dreamed of what it would be like to be a demon but I don't know if I actually want this. Blue and Wolf often talked about how hard it could be. Me being like the guardian of the moon and dreams it's rough enough already.

I thought about it more deeply and I finally brought myself to say my real honest answer.

" Wolf I give you my consent for you guys to do this spell and get me out of this place." I said looking around at the room we were in. It was another memory but I never actually remember it happening or if it even was a memory.

I looked at her and her eyes were widen.

" Really?!? are you sure" She said and I could see the excitement and happiness in her eyes. Wow I never though she actual really wanted me to say yes.

" Ok, ok, um" She thought about what her next step was and it took a few seconds for her to realize.

" I need to get back to the others and make this work" She said as she hugged me goodbye and took another book out. She flipped through and found a paged. She turned her head at me and spoke

" Bye dipper, ill try to get you back fast. See you hopefully soon." She said as she waved at me and smiled and casted her spell. I stood there for a few moments in thought. The blue streak got me out of my thoughts and followed it.

Except it never opened a new door. We were in the same room. Umm okay? I guess I need to understand what the memory is. I looked around but I couldn't remember. I was just in a room. I saw a window and looked out. I saw the town below the mountain. So im in a room, in the castle. I turned around and the blue streak appeared and headed to the door. I followed it and we were in a new place.

We were outside in the village. Wait so what was the memory from the other room? I looked at where exactly I was in the village and I realized we were in the area as to where Mabel's statue is supposed to be. I saw 15 year old Mabel. She was posing for what im guessing is the artist. I walked to see how the painted looked so far. He was almost finished. I heard foot steps behind me and I turned around. I saw men with bags and buckets. I looked more closely and I saw that it was cement and buckets for water.

Oh that's for Mabel's statue. They used cement to build it.

I blinked and time started to speed up quickly. Wait what's going on? Once it was night time, time stopped. I looked back to where the artist and Mabel once stood. They weren't there anymore. Instead there was a base of cement on the ground. The streak passed to tell me our time here is over once more. I followed it to a new door. And once again we where in a new location.

Wolf's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once I got back I left the room to tell the others. When I opened the door nobody was waiting for me anymore.

I made my way to the main room we where at searching for another way to get Dipper out. Once I entered everyone gave me either a concerned look or and angered look. Umm im pretty sure I just left for a few minutes. What did I do this time?

" Wolf now you show up. We though we had to find a way to get the both of you out of what ever dumb curse dipper has." Blue said a bit annoyed

" Umm what ar-" I was cut off by Bill

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