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Recap :- omkara and gauri are set out for a shopping.

Its almost 15minutes, since they started from om, it was completely silent inside the car.

Its almost 15minutes, since they started from om, it was completely silent inside the car

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Breaking the silence.,

O:- What are u upto (in a soft -hard mixed voice)


O:-Didn't u got it.. I asked, why are you back to my life ?....Do u have any idea how much is your presence irritating me?.

G:-I am sorry... I didn't mean to hurt u in any way....If I had known that you are shivayyy Bhaiyya's brother, I would have not come along with him.............
Because I really don't wished to come back to ur life. (she completd the last sentence with a soft and hurted voice.)

O:-why? (it was was a sudden response from him)

G:-it's because..... (she was not wishing to answer that question of his)

O:- becozz..?

G:-It's becozz.... (taking a deep breath)... Becozz ur my husband., and I don't want to make any trouble for my husband.

Omkara was shell-shocked with her words and dazed at her.
There was complete silence...... He was not able to make a reaction after her words......
At the same time gauri feeled very embarrassed with her own sudden response . After that, they didn't talk a word each other.

They reversed journey back to OM after the shopping.
On reaching OM, both of them get out from the car, omkara moved in front of gauri, and when he was about to enter the hall, gauri called him in a soft voice..

G:- "Omkarajii... "

He stood thunderstruck on her call...... After a second he slowly turned to her, as the response of her call.

G:- I'm sorry.

O:-For what?

G:- I.....I know ...U never accepted me as ur wife......... bt... Bt omkarajii I can't be like that....... From the corner of my heart, I respect u as my husband (tears rolled down her cheek as drops)..... Pls don't stop me from that......... I promise...,,I will never trouble u..... Or come to claim my rights on u....
Pls don't misunderstand me....
If my presence here, is a disturbance, I will go back to barely ,and I myself will find any reasons for it.......... Just a word of ur I need..... Tell me omkarajii should I go? (she was crying)

Omkara really didn't know, how to answer her question.

O:- there's no need of going anywhere, go take rest.

Saying this OM went in a hurry to his room..... Gauri wasn't expecting this answer, she thought om will ask her to leave, and she was prepared for it by mind...... And therefore this unexpected answer of omkara made her really happy.

G:- (to herself) why didn't he ask me to leave? ...sometime ago in the car, he said that my presence is irritating him.... What happened to him.... (confusingly) Does he like me, bieng here with him!

She goes in with shyful smile on her face...

At the same omkara was in his room ,after a cool shower ....... Soo disturbed with gauris words.

O:- (thinking) oh god what's happened to me.... Why didn't ask her to leave..... And she could have left with my single word...... What prevented me from doing sooo.......

O:- (to himself) Does I like her.., bieng here with me....... Bt hw can that happen? (he asks confusingly to himself)
Om makes a shyful smile on his face...rubbing his hair

Om lyies down on the bed and make rewind on gauris words

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Om lyies down on the bed and make rewind on gauris words....

O:- (to himself..with a cute smile of shyness).. I loved that.... Never experienced such a cute call before....... "OMKARAJII.... "

Saying this, takes a small relief breath, and closed his eyes for a calm sleep....

To be continued.......

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