Something Made them Love

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So, aftr having the breakfast ,Rikara went to their room..

O:-umm.. Gauri, actually I have some urgent wrk by shivayy. I promise i will take you to art lab then.

Gauri nodded sadly

O:-I promise jaan.. (he sad cupping her face)

That was all enough for her to cheer up!

om went ,and gauri helped anika for arranging OM  for the party.

Seconds... Minutes... Hours passed, and Om didn't arrive yet!!  And all these time our ri was waiting for her jadhatari.

A:-Chutki, go amd dress up, the party will start now!!

G:-Ha.. Haa.. Dii, I will...

She went to her room, stil looking at the entrance!

The party was about to began, and all were ready. Everyone was waiting for Om.

O:-Guyss.. I am soo sorry for being late... Sorry!

S:-No problem,  get ready fast and come

O:-Okk shivayy!!

He actioned gauri to come to room, but she turned her face away..

S:-Omm... Go get ready fast !

O:-ha ha...

He moved to room, still looking at his chirrayya, but she is still stood turning away from him.

He came back dressed up, and got to find his chirrayya still ignoring him!

O:-(in mind)  Ohh gauri, stop behaving like this, I can't bear this ignorance

He moved to gauri, trying to talk with her, but seeing him coming towards her, she suddenly turned to DEV.

S:-So let's Dance guys!

D:-Gauriii, do you  mind giving me a company to dance.

G:-Ha sure, why not  (she wanted to punish her jadhatari for being late, and not taking her to his art lab,  and for her this was the perfect punishment she could give him)

And the calculations of our Chirayya didn't go wrong, Jadhadhari fumed in anger seeing them dance together. It was more than enough for om

DEV wrapped his hand around gauris waist and pulled her close to him. Gauriii felt it too uncomfortable and tried to free .

Now om couldn't control anymore.

om grabbed gauri with all his force to him,  giving a deadly glare to dev, who was looking at om in confusion!

O:-Can't u understand language, she is my wife, not yours. And I am the one who will dance with her. Next time I see you anywhere around my gauri, u will be more than dead.

(he walked away with gauri, making DEV stand there with great shock and confusion, thinking like what just happened now?)
He didn't understood anything, but just chuckle at this cute possessive omkara.

Meanwhile, om was hugging gauri,

O:-Hiw dare you agreed to dance with him, didn't u see how he touched you
,and you were still dancing with him.

G:-Ohh really, if u had come earlier we could have decided to dance tgthr, but you had something else as more important than being here with me!

O:-Ohh.. Soo that's the problem, jaan I also wished to come here, but I said na I had some urgent wrk.

G:-Okk... Then go and do ur work, I will sit here alone.. Wrk is important for you right?

Saying this she tried to go away, but om pulled her more close... And he began to slowly dance with her... They were lost each other.

He twirled her, and now her back hitting his chest.

They continued to dance... Till shivayy announced that the party was over!!

Rikara in room

Gauriii was arranging the bed, 

G:-Where are u going this late night omkarajii.. Don't say you are work

O:-no jaanu,  and one more thing is, you are also coming with me!!

G:-but where, and it's to late, everyone must have slept 

O:-I didn't say we are going for a family trip, only you and me..

G:-But where?

om holds. Her hands and moves them to him.

O:-Once I make a promise, I will not break it. I am taking you to my art lab!

G:-Really!!!!!!!  (her eyes reflected, happiness)

They went to his art lab

Gauri opened the door and went in, she was amazed to see his piece of art works..

G:-Wooww... I just didn't know that my jatadhari was such artistic.. How do  you do this... I wish if even i could paint like this!!

Om back hugged her,  who was caressing his painting.

O:-Really,  I will  teach u then... (he asked her leaning to her shoulders in a husky voice)

She closed her eyes in his closeness!!
om turned her too face him..

O:-I love teaching you,  he said  with a naughty smile

G:-O..omm.. Kara..jiii..


G:-I.. Do.. n't  ..wa.. N't... To.. Le..arn..

O:-U have to.. Jaan..

Saying this he dipped her hands on a paint bottle and made her paint the canvas... They were just drawing randomly.. Slowly he dipped his hands on the paint bottle and caressed her waist with it.. She gasped in his action...

G:-Om.. Ka.. Ra.. Jii.... What are u doing!!

O:-I am teaching u how to paint..

G:-Is.. This.. How....

Before she completes he cupped her mouth, and caressed her hands on his face, which were filled with paint.

O:-How about playing some holi jaan..

He took so paint and applied it down on her shoulders ...she felt like loosing the ability to breath!

He slowly took her in a bridal style and later her on the floor...

...............................That night was a blessed one, the day he coloured her life to another extend, the day he made his Love..


Guys a late update, but I will wind up this story with a max of two more updates. Next update will start with a leap!!
Sorry for this boring romance 🙈

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