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Early morning in oberoi mansion

Everyone was waiting fr the arrival of newly married!!
R:- Om......wht the helll...u slept with gauri!!
Anika was already standing like a stautue seeing om and gauri coming dwn the stairs tgthr!!!

R:- Ommm ...don't you have an answer..i am asking why you are with gauri...u were married to riddhimma

"No we aren't" , Tge voice came frm another side..evryone turned and was surprised to see ridhimma and abhay tgthr!

R:- ohh myyy good....wht is happening with gauri...abhay wth ridhima...whts all this ???

B:- Rudr its onwards...gauri is my bhaiyyas wife!!!!

A:- bt ridhimma????

Ri:- Anika didi ,i am abhays wife...we were in a relationship fr past few years!!! And bth om and i were not intrested in our marriage too...we were not ready to ruin our frndship ,becoz of the promises made by our parents....nw ecerything is fixed right!! All are happy!!

Gauri still couldnt believe it..
G:-(in mind) what omkaraji was nt intrested in the marriage wth ridhimma??

Anikaa spoke up breaking gauris thoughts
A:- okk u all are why gauri
..she is innocent ..why did you pull her to this drama? If u didnt want to marry om ...why u made gauri to marry him wthout her permission...

R- Yes...ridhimma you could have told us abt abhay..then we wouldnt have forced you to marry everything would have been gone fine...and we would have fixed om's marriage wth some other later...nw om and gauri got married
..thet were not prepare..neither u didnt ask them both whthr they were happy fr it!! Hw will they adjust wthout preparing themself!! Poor gauri ..i feel sorry for her!!

A:- om dont you hv anything to say!! And gauri you? Ridhimma you did the wrong thing shld have asked them abt whethr they are ready to marry each other...!!

Ri:- why shld i ask them when they are already married??

A amd R :- Whattt😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲

Gauri couldnt believe her ears...hw did she came to know abt it? She looked at om..he was standing all if he had no prblm in wht she revealed! Suddenly leaving gauri in more shock om opened up

O:- Yes anika bhabhi...Gauri was my WIFE , even before she came here as ur chutki!

Gauri's eyes filled with tears..wht did she hear...her omkaraji..accepted her as his wife..she looked at him with tearful eyes!! Om also looked at her with guilty eyes..which had a care to caress her for a lifetime

O :-( cupping gauris face) I am sorry gauri...i know i hurted you soo much frm the day you came was affecting me so made me fall fr you...i couldnt watch myself you getting married to someone else..thats why we planned all these!! Sorry gauri...i was afraid .,that i will lose you forever...I LOVE YOU GAURI...(his tears rolled dowwn to her cheek)
She hugged him tightly ..crying on his chest

B:- Awwww...lovebirdssss.....pls take ur room fr all these romance..i cant see all these..aftrall i am not even married😅🤭

Everyone laughts at her ..Rikara feels so embrassed..

Gauri  comes  out frm the hug..and moves to ridhimma
G:- Thank you soo much fr giving my omkaraji back!!

Ri:- aww...he was always there for both of u didnt realise it..thats why i was forced to take initiative to unite guys!! Thnks to bhavya ans Shivayy bhaiyya fr helping me out!

A:- Shivayyyy.....wht you knew abt this!!

R:- omgg...bhaiyya hope to see u tmrw..if anika bhabhi wont kill u fr this🤣🤣🤣🤣

G:- Anika di ...actually sorry diii

A:- dont say me sorry...ur happiness is my happiness..if u are happy with om ...then i have no

Om smiled at the sisters😍😍
Anika hugged gauri...bhavya also went and hugged the duo

Ri:- Its so adoring to watch the O'bahus tgthr...


B:- yes O'bahus...just like u O'bros😎😎 isnt it cool😁?

Ri:- okk guys so were are leaving to singapore tdy ..thanks to u all

O:- Abhayy..thanku 😅

A:- ohhh bro...comeon..don't be childish


S :- thank god ..everything ended happily

A:- its not that happy...i am gonna kill fr not sharing me the plan!


R:- by the way Om ..hw did you marry gauri bhabhi?

A:- yeah ..i also wanted to know abt it

Om.explained evrythingg

R:- Om what a man was you leave bhabhi all alone there??poor bhabhi

S:- yes...i didnt say anything..jst becoz you were ready to marry or else i would have killed you fr doing this to my sister!!

G:-no bhaiyya...he was right in wht he did ..he married me to save me frm the villagers...tht doesnt mean he have to accept me....!!

Om felt so guily ...
O(to herself) hw can she be so sweet..

S:- okk anyways everyone's happy  nw lets  end thsi meeting ..i am getting late to office...

O:- shivayy i a also comming with you..

S:- bt why here with gauri!!

O:- no actually i had some files to get to proceed my art i have to come wth you
(actually he wanted to escape there  coz he didnt knew hw to start a convrstion wth gauri)

G:- bhaiyya i have no problm ,let omkaraji come with you

S- okk then!!

Om and shivayy leaves to office!!


It was getting late night...
Gauri was waiting fr om in their room
Suddenly she hears a knock at door...she opened the door..
It was shivayy...
S:- Gauri...actaully om will be more late..he asked me to say this to you!!

G:- okk prblm

She locked and went to bed...btt she was feeling somthing bad..anyway she slowly went to sleep!!!


It was 12:00 ..
Oberoi Mansion freezed with a shocking news!!!!!!

"Omkara Oberois Car met with an accident on highway.!! Oberoi hospitalised  in unconscious condition"


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