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G:-Wake up.. Om

O:-5 more min Plss...

G:-You are saying this 5min from the past 1hour.  Wake up. Here is the cofee

om holds her by hand.. And pulls her to him.

G:-wha.. What are u doing!

O:-can't u see... These days u don't want to be with me.. U are always aftr other things.

Om complaints like a small child!

G:- Ohh yes darling,  Dev called me to help him for arranging the hall for party. So I have to go !

O:- Damn.... Didn't u get any other thing to spoil my day... "DEV called me to help him"!!    (om imitated it like gauri said)

O:- Go, go and help him.. Don't want to care for me..

Gauri smiled to control her laugh

G:-Aww.... Seems like the great omkara turned to jealousKara

O:- I said na.. Go ..Go and help ur dev ... I don't want ur coffee, toffee anything.  Take it and give it ur DEV. 

om kept on blabbering.. Like a small child.. Suddenly he stopped in shock, with the sudden kiss of gauri on his cheek

G:-Now I will leave!

O:- Wait wait.. I was just kidding with you. acha give one on the other side too.. (said with the cutest smile he could ever give)

G:- But you said u don't want anything from me.  And also u said give it to Dev

O:-😲 Areyy I was talking about the coffee!

G:-That I don't know.. You told u don't want anything from me.. I am leaving!!

om jumps from the bed and pins gauri to the wall!

G:- Omkarajii what are you doing?
She couldn't control her heartbeat due to his closeness.

O:-I WANT YOU.. (slowly whispered in her ears.)

His hot breath was caressing her neck. She closed her eyes to control her goosebumps. Om slowly brushed his lips on her neck! and was about to kiss her!


Rikara was shocked!!  And turned

G:-Devv.. U??

Gauri suddenly pushed away om due to embrassment

D :-Ohh.. Sorry..

O:- What sorry?  is this the way u enter someone's room

D:- I came for Gauri!

O:- Can I ask u something.. Is she my wife or your wife.. Never leaves her alone for a while.. Always gauri gauri gaurii..


Gauri controls her laugh

O:-See... She is not coming anywhere!!
   If u want go and ask someone else for help... Or better don't do anything!

D:-Haa.. Haa.. I am leaving (he leaves confused and shocked with om's behavior)

As soon he leaves gauri burst out into laughter!!om turns to her!!

O:-why u laughing???

She continues without answering!!
om holds her shoulder and pushes her to the wall.. Gauri stops laughing.. Shocked. He lookes into her eyes.. Which she reciprocated

O:- You are Mine!!  only mine!!

(it was soo deep,  he meant it from his heart.)
Gauri's eyes filled with tears.
om hugged her..

G:-Omkarajii I was just playing with you to make you jealous.. I didn't knew it hurted you.. Sorry

O:- I know gauri.. But I really hate him.. Creep!

Gauri laughs again wth drops of tears,  hearing the way he called him "Creep"

O:-Again u laughing??

Gauri hugged him,  and kissed on both his cheeks!!

G:- I love u jadhatari!

Om hugs her more...

G:- OK.. Now u  get fresh and come down for breakfast!!

O:-Ha.. Wait here. Will go down tgthr

G:-haa.. Okk!

om comes after a bath.. They both went down for breakfast!

A:-Haa.. Haa.. Come-on lovebirds!!  DEV told me, you scolded him Om


All laughs..

R:-Never knew my om was this romantic!!

Om slowly to gauri
O:- did this creep explained everything wht he saw.. Uff.. It was better to publish a notice 🙄

S:- But what DEV did is wrong.. He should have knocked  before entering. He spoiled our Omkie's mood!!

Gauri looked at him shocked
om bit his tongue realising what he said!

Everyone laughs .

R:-Om.. Better u lock the room next time..

Everyone laughs!!

Gauri hides behind Om due to embrassment!!

S:- okk guys.. Today is the party  .all are prepared right!!

A, R,  O, G :-Haaa

S:-Bhavya will be coming, he na Rudy!

R:-Haa bhaiyya.. (he blushes)

A:- Aww.. Someone is blushing!!

O:-(in mind)  Blush u duffer.! Let her come.  And I will show you how it feels ,when u come in between us!

G:-Omkarajii,  when Will u take me to the art gallery

O:- we will go aftr the food!

G:-ok.. She smiles!


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