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Recap :- The oberois were surprised  with the call  "HI EVERYONE"

every one turned to the door and was surprised to see her. It was riddhima.

(* guys in this story riddhima is a good character. Let me give introduction for her... She is the fiance of omkara... Just because of the promises made by their parents in thier both of them likes each other as friends and yes of course they were best friends from childhood... Actually both of them didn't wished to spoil their friendship through a marriage.... Bt thier parents forced them to marry each other.. And that's how riddhima became omkaras fiancee.... Nw continue reading..)

Everyone was sooo happy to see her. Bt gauri didn't got who she's and looked her in a surprise and very soon she got another shock from omkara

O:- hey!.. Ur back...soo happy for u.. I missed u really  ( I told u nakul, they are really good friends, so the family also felt so happy with his words, except gauri)

RI :- haa omkara... Even I missed u a lot... And what's going on here ?

O:- actually we were celebrating rakshabandhan

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O:- actually we were celebrating rakshabandhan.. (suddenly he remembered.. Yes gauri.. She was just going to tie rakhi on him... He turned to her)

Gauri first looked him... She felt soo sad with his behavior to riddhima,, it's just because she has never got any caring  words from him like that before, means from her own husband.  Om umderstood she felt hurted .

Ri:- oh god, is it rakshabandhan tday.. I really forgot abt that... Nw what will I do... Sorry brothers..

Shivru smiled at her ,suddenly

G:- don't worry , I have one left with me .. U can use this.

Ri:-oh  Thanku., bt sorry I didn't get u.. U r.....?

A:- ohh sorry, I forgot to introduce her ....she's gauri harshvardhan trivedi... My sis... My little Chutki

Ri:- ohh is it.... Nice to meet u gauri and I will tell u myself.. I'm riddhima, omkara's fiancee!

Gauri was shocked to hear it.... Even omkara didn't expect such an introduction from her..
Gauri's eyes filled with tears.. She understood that she Will burst out, if she stand there, and soo she excused from there..... This was noticed by om..he followed he..

Everyone was busy welcoming ridhimma in hall.. So no-one noticed this.

Gauri ran to the terrace because she didn't want to see her crying
She bursted out and cried aloud...

G:- "why did u bring me to this house... To see all these Haa?.... To see my omkarajii 's ha?...why always this to me... Did I doo something wrong to u....? Tell me..   (she cried out with her feelings)

O:- gauri (in a soft voice)

She turned and saw omkara behind her.... She wiped her tears to hide her pain from him... She tried to behave normally!

G:- omkarajii.. Why u here. ?

O:- why are u here.. Gauri.

G:- no.. Nthng.. I just came for some fresh air.

O:- I'm sorry... I know her words hurted u..

G:- no.. I don't have any problem... It's ur life na.. Why should I feel hurt.? (but saying this she couldn't hold her tears.... Again she bursted out in front of him..)

O:-gauri noo... Pls don't cry... I can't see this... Pls don't cry

Bt these words were of no use she couldn't control her pain.. Bt her tears made pain in him... He wanted to console her.... Hug her... He tried his most to control himself from doing soo.. Bt he failed.....

He moved towards her... Kept his hands on her shoulder and rubbed with soo much care

O :- gauri pls stop.... Don't cry.. Pls
I can't see this... Ur tears are hurting me soo much.

She was soo close to her and both of them were not aware of their closeness. suddenly she came to her reality and pushed him back. She wiped her tears .
om also understood what he was doing.. And stepped back embarrassed.

O :- I'm sorry.... Bt I really didn't mean to hurt u.... Actually our parents promised each other about our marriage.. And that's why she said soo...

Before he completes..

G:- omkarajii... Why are u explaining all these to me... I didn't asked u anything about it... It's ur right whom u have to marry and with whom u have to leave.... I can understand the situation u married me....and I know u did it to save me..... Soo dont worry that I will be a disturbance in ur future.. Or ur life with ridhimma....... I will never come to claim ridhts upon u...... May u both have a blessed life... No gauri nothing like that... Listen to me...

Before he completes

G:- I said na.. I have no problem with it..... Just one thing... She is innocent... Be a good husband for her..... Because  a girls happiness is all on  her partner....
(saying this.. She wiped her tears and went to her room)

Om was sooo disturbed and feltguilt on himself with her words..
Some thing hard kept on his heart.... He too went to his room with a heavy heart.

Unfortunately, riddhima was listening to this, as she came in search of omkara... Bt they both didn't see her..... Bt ridhimma felt there is something between omkara and gauri..... She went to her room.

To be continued....

PRECAP :- ridhimma starts her investigation on omkara and gauri........ Guys.. She's going to be the reason for uniting rikara

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Luv u all.... Will be updated very soon 😘

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