something made them love

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A leap of 9 months.....

O:-Gauri.... Just don't act like a kid and pls come out from where you are hiding..

She slowly comes back from the back of cupboard, with a bottle full of candy's in it.  Her short was looking more cute with her huge baby bump

O:- how many times did I told u,  it's not healthy to have lots of sweets... And still u don't care

She gave him the cutest puppy face one can have.

G:-Omkarajii... I told many times I don't want sweets...but he only forced me... (she said still with the puppy face)

O:-oghh Rudyyy ....i have warned him a million times not to give u sweets..
I am gonna.. Kill him..

G:-NO no omkarajii... It's not him...

Omkara made a question face to her!

G:-Its him... Our baby...(she said with a naughty smile , and continued)  he wanted sweets, so only i had, only for him.

Om made a face in disbelief, and scratched away the candy bottle from her...

O:-Now come with me and have milk..

G:-Nooo....( She made a fake cry) 

O:-i know u don't like milk, but our baby is telling me he wants so much of milk,, so you have to drink it jaanu..

Om made her drink the milk. Aftr that he slowly took her to the hall. Everyone was present there for breakfast.

R:-Bhabhi..we have told you many times, we will bring food to your room 
G:-No Rudy bhaiyya,baby is saying he wants everyone's presence....

This gas now become a common thing for All ,listening The baby's talk via gauri!!

S:-Okk.. Then ask baby when is he gonna come out, coz we all are waiting for our chotti kara.

G:-hehe.. He says he will come soon.. And he also wants to see you all.

Everyone giggles.

Om made her sit, and started feeling her breakfast.

G:-Omkaraji.. Baby says he needs paneer butter masala with butter naan.


. He slowly bents to his baby bump... And whispers something, and then he keeps his ears to the bump  ..

O:- hmm.. But gauri, baby says that, if papa feels it unhealthy for mummy, then he don't want it!


She makes a puppy face, and he smirks, everyone laughs at them.

Then she saw anika and bhavya getting ready to go out..

G:-Where are you going..

A:-Chutki.. We need to buy some stuff.. So we are hurting mall.

G:-Mall..... I also want to come..

Everyone eyes go wide listen to it

O:-are u mad.. You are at ur last stage of pregnancy, and you are not going anywhere..

G:-No I want to go... I am so bored sitting here.

O:-No means no...

G:-I want to go. With them..  Pls...

B:-Bhabhi... Will be back soon...

G:-No problem, I also want to come..

O:-No, you are not going.... I will take u to mall aftr ur fine with health

G:-I want to go with them...

Saying this, she stood up from the chair, on a sudden a went towards them.. But with just two steps, she cried on her labor pain..


Before she could fall, he hols her on his arm.. Everyone ran to her.

Gauri was crying in her pain..

O:-Don't cry jaan.. We will go to hospital soo (he too was crying unknowingly)

She nodded to him..still struggling with the pain..

S:-om. The car is ready..
A:-Om I will also come with u in this car.

om noddedto her,  while taking gauri in his arms.. He was still crying, holding tightly on his shirt collar calling his name..

G:-omkarajii... This is too much paining...

O:-Don't cry jaanu.. It's because he wants to see his mumma so badlyy.. (he said crying)

Anika smiled with tears..

In the hospital..

Om made her lie on the stretcher.. She was still holding his hands tightly.. All the family was there.. She refused to leave his hands even aftr reaching the door of labor room...

G:-pls.. Come with me.. Omkarajii.. Pls.. She was crying.

Doctor :-Mr. Oberoi, If you want you can stand with her!!

om nodded and went with her in.

The doctor's asked gauri to push the baby... She did the max, still her hold on Om's hands.. He kept on caressing her face.. She was sweating so badly... She closed her eyes due to pain..

Finally the room was echoed with the cry of baby.. Gauri was almost going unconscious director the struggle she had put.. Om's eyes filled with tears.. He saw his baby, covered by blood,
Doctors was cleaning the baby, om kissed Gauri's  forehead, he couldn't explain the happiness he was going through.. He felt he is the most happiest and blessed person in the world, at that moment..

Aftr cleaning the baby, doctor came with baby wrapping inside a towel.
As momma said, it is a boy baby.
om held him in his hands.gauri regained her consciousness by now. I'm laid baby by her side,  and wrapped his arms around gauri.. She caressed her baby..

G:-Aarian..... Aarian Omkara Singh Oberoi.

She whispered to the baby. om kissed baby and gauri.. He felt complete now.

And thus God created another heavenly family on earth!!

Omkara... Gauri... And their little prince Aarian!  ♥

**********Happy Ending ************

Thank you for all ur support through out the story.. I hope it was a good ending, and u guys enjoyed my story..
Need all ur support for my other stories too.... Will be updating a new one soon "Stolen heart "

                                        ~Ritu ♥

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