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(guys sorry i wont bring a villain now)

Gauri almost fell into sleep..just then she heard a knock at the door!!
Gauri opened the door..she saw bhavya and rudy wuth tearful eyes!

G:- wht happened bhavya , why are u crying..rudy bhaiyya wht happened

B:- ommm....ommm bhiayya..

G:- (unknowingly her eyes filled wth tears) omkarajii...wht happened to omkarajjii!!

R:- bhabhi...actually his car met with an accident

gauri stood wth no emotions....her throat dried up...she felt like the world is ending up ..she stood like a stone!slowly visions blurred...she lost her mind...she fell down on to the hands of bhavya!!

R:- bhabhi...wake up...

She was taken to the same hospital!

S:- Doctor hw is gauri? Is she alright

D:- no need to wrry..she is ok...a slight increase in bp!! She will wake just the sedation leaves her body!

S:-thank u doctr om?

D:- dont wrry abt him ..his cndition is better nw...he fell unconsicious just becoz of the fear at tht moment!
If possible you can take him home tdy itself

S:- Thank you so much doctr!

Sametime ...gauri wake up to reality..she started shout!!

"OMKARAJII....wht happnd to him...i wana see him right now "


B:- gauri...calm down ..calm down.
He is fine..he is resting!!

G:- where ...where is he..i wanna see him...right now

B:- gauri...calm down...waiy ..i will take u there.

Bhavya take gauri to his room..anika and ahivayy was with him
Gauri slowly moves to his bed...
Shivayy sighns  everyone to leave om and gauri alone...and everyine leaves the room..
Tgere was complete silence over there..each drop of water falling in the trip bottle  and ecg  machine can be heard clearly..
Gauri slowly sat beside Om on his bed .

Slowly she caressed his head..she was crying...unknowingly she went to the memories of their marriage..the very first time when she saw her soul❤
The way he hold her up , when she was pushed to the ground by the villagers...The way he protected her at his back..The way he hold her on his hand ,when she was unable to walk..The moment when he poured his blood on her headline..Those precious moments, though not prepared their marriage was destined to be happen!!

She woke frm the thoughts when her hand felt a caressing from no where..
She came to her reality and found tht Om was holding her hand, for a support to sit on the bed!
Suddenly she helped him and made him sit on the bed...

G:- Omkaraji..hw u feeling nw?
O:- i am fine. (he couldnt speak ,though he managed to answer her)

She remained silent..coz she didnt know hw to speak wth him (as u all know, they have not evn started their life yet..this haplened just the next day of their marriage)

Gauri was surprised ,and a bit shocked!

G:- why are u saying me sorry omkaraji??

O:- I couldnt spend time wth you..also i made you more tensed creating all this problm!!

Gauri didnt know hw to react to it
(aftr a sec)

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