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Next morning in OM

As  usual gauri came down from her room for breakfast ....shivru and anika was there...but unlike other days no one greeted her mrng.. Didn't even mind her.... She was a bit upset.. Bt she didn't expressed it much .....

Suddenly shivayyy had a call.... He was shouting at the call in anger..... This made gauri more irritated, she felt like crying, because everyone was sooo dull and was not talking anything.

Shivayy ended the call and started to have the food.... After tasting he shouted at anika... Blaming for bad taste

Gauri understood the situation is worse and tried to leave.. At the time she got up from the chair shivayy called her aloud....

S:- gauri.......

she turned with fear.... And responded

G:- ha bhade bhaiyya

S:- why are u leaving  (in anger)

(she made a look to anika  and rudra, bt they were not looking at her, she felt soo scared )

G:-n.. noo...nothing bhaiyya (she was shivering in fear... Was almost to cry)

At the same time omkara came there for having breakfast ...he didn't understood what's happening there... Bt noticed gauri in fear.

S:-then.... Don't u need food, to waste like this where do u think the money is coming from?  (shivayyy questioned her in anger)

This time she lost her control and bursted out saying...

G:- sorry Bhaiyya ....i didn't mean to waste food... Sorry

As soon as she completd shivru and anika couldn't control thier laugh and they too bursted out
Gauri didn't understand anything thing... She was looking them confused......

S:- aww sorry for making u cry dear... I didn't mean to make u cry... I thought my chotti behen is bold.
Gauri was still confused and shivayy got that she didn't understood anything.... He gave a look to rudra... Such a way asking him indirectly. "let's break our surprise ".

Shivru:- (together) HAPPY RAKSHABANDHAN.

r:- gauri we just thought to gave u a surprise.... And these acting were our plan.

Gauri was still looking at the confused..

Bt another thing was that omkara was shocked with it, the first thought came to his mind was that "will gauri tie him rakshabandhan? "...

Shivayy went to gauri...
S:-(hugging her).... Here's my gift for you...

Gauri opened it... It was a beautiful necklace... Her eyes filled with tears.

R:- and here's my gift for u.. (presented her a huge packet with a  variety of chocolates)... Everyyr priyanka was the lucky one to have our gifts...

Everyone turned to omkara....

S:- om.., where is your gift for your sister?

Om was shocked, hearing shivayy addressing gauri as her sister..... He looked gauri slowly..... She looked down on seeing him.

R:-when priyanka was here.. You were the one who present gift to her first.. Today what happened om?

O:-(with a broken voice).. I... I... Acc.. Actually forgot about it... Sorry gauri (he said to her)

G:- no problem... These gifts are more than enough for me..

A:-okkay nw it's ur turn gauri... Tie these rakshabandhan on ur brothers hands..... (Anika gave her 3 rakshabandhan )

G:-(thinking) sankarjii... What will I do now... Hw can I tie rakshabandhan on my husband's hand.... Pls save me....

A:-gauri,what are u thinking.... Come-on tie it

Shivay and rudra was already ready with their hands leaning towards gauri. Shivayy signed omkara to lean his hands...

O:-(thinking) what will I do nw... Hw can i accept her as my sister.... Wait a minute.....does that means u accepted her as ur wife... Ohnooo what im thinking.. Hw is it possible... Noo.... Bt I can't see as her sister alsoo....

These thoughts of om was broken by rudras call.

R:-om bhaiyya, keep your hands like this. (making his usual smile)

A:-come on gauri,,,, start tying... Look ur brothers are eagerly waiting...

She made a fake smile to anika and slowly looked at omkara.. She was shocked to see that, even om was was not looking at her as he had no courage to look at her...

She tied rakshabandhan on shivru's hand.. And it is omkaras turn  nw...... Gauri stood in front of omkara... Her heart started beating fast..... Even omkara was praying hard to get rid off that situation.

A:-why u stopped gauri.... Tie it.

Gauri just nodded at her and looked at om. It was a deep look into his eyes. Through that look she asked him indirectly "should I tie "....
For her surprise, at the same time omkara nodded his head negatively...pleading her not to tie it..
Gauri understood that he was not wishing her to tie rakshabandhan on him.

Bt the situation was worst..

A:-gauri... Why you not tying.. Didnt u like him.?...or is it because he didn't gifted u anything.?

G:- no dii.... Nothing like that.

A:-then tie it..

Gauri closed her eyes and was about to  tie (in her Mind.... Shankerjii... Pls help me)

Suddenly a voice took All their attention .

"HI everyone "

Everyone surprised with the voice and turns to the door...

To be continued......

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..will be updated soon.

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