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Precap :-Riddhimma caught omkara red handed. Om takes Riddhimma to talk with her.

O:-come with me

He taked ridhimma to the stairs

O:-i want to say something very important to u

R:-tell me.... And im so excited... I'm 101%sure its about gauri

O:-ridhimma.... Itss.... Its

R:-arey om pls tell fast.... Don't make suspense.    Just once say it with ur own mouth that "I LOVE GAURI"

O:-no it's not like...

R:- om stop the drama.. Admit it.... I'm hell waiting

O:-.........(remain silent for some time... And then he takes  a deep breath )


ridhimma was standing like a statue.... After listening to it...she was hell shocked... She never even imagined that they have a  unbreakable bond between them............ She just wanted om to admit that  he loves gauri.

O:- ridhimma.... I know it's not right what I did......... And I have no courage to say this before my family... Actually our marriage was an accident...... I never give any importance...

R:- stop it om (in a loud voice )

O:- slowly!..............

R:- om do u know what have u done..... Leave about ur family....... Have u ever thought of gauri...... Om she's ur wife.....and u were preparing for ur second marriage.... That too in front of her....... Hw can you do this to her om.....poor girl..... If I were in her place....... I would have insulted u and done a second marriage before u...... I feel so respect to her....... She not even said a word against ur marriage and still she wish to live as ur wife... Not willing for another marriage... Om where will u wash away all these sins.!!!!!!

Om was silent... He Felt so guilty..

R:-come on talk om...... Why..... U don't have any answers... Right?

O:- I know I did a big mistake..... Actually I didn't gave any importance to our marriage... I just did it save her from the villagers.... Bt after she's here..... She's affecting me so much......... And I feel in love with her...... Unknowingly.............. I care for her........... Ridhimma..... I love her.... I love my gauri..... I love my wife....... I want her  back...... I want to love her till the end of world....... I want to give her all rights upon me.... I want to make her mine forever...... I want my wife back...... Pls help me.....

He fell on knees bursting out...

R:-om dont.... Pls don't break up urself........ She is urs and she will be back to u with all her rights....
Why don't u talk with her... And I make a chance for u talk with her....... Nw you go and sleep.... We will talk to her tomorrow..

O:-thank u ridhimma... I feel so relieved now....... Goodnight see u tomorrow ...


Gauri woke up from her sleep..... Still she can feel the pain.... She remembered the situation she falled..... Tears rolled down her cheeks..

G:-no I can't bear this anymore.... Everytime I see him with her... I'm dieing.... I have to go from this house as soon as possible..... Yes I have to do it.....

She decides something.... And gets back to sleep.

Next morning....
Everyone was in the hall except gauri..

Om was so happy... Because he decided to open up to gauri..

Suddenly gauri came to hall from her room.

She was so bold than other days
As if she was prepared for something

G:-shivayy bhaiyya i want to say something to u....

S:-come on gauri say it..

G:-vo bhaiyya..... I have decided something..

A:-decided? What is it chutki... Anything serious?

G:-yes di.... I'm ready for a marriage!  ....u can find anyone u all like..... I have no objection whoever it is..

S:-ohh I'm so happy... Bt u have to like him... Don't select according to our wish..... Because ur the one who have to live with him....

G:-bhaiyya u asked me to marry and I agreed........... I don't have any likes or dislikes..... I will marry anyone whom u choose...... Pls don't force me in it......

A:- gauri... U know.....marriage is the big day in one's life...when it comes to a girl its more special......u are starting a new life.....   It happens only once in a life time  or else ur husband havE to die.

Before she completes that....

G:-Stop it... Don't u dare to say a word like that... (Tears were flowing like a river )
Everyone was shocked with her reaction

 (Tears were flowing like a river )Everyone was shocked with her reaction

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A:- Chutkiii.... Calm down.... I just said... That's all

G:-anika dii... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to hurt you... Sorry di....
She looked to om with her tearful eyes and said to herself in mind "nothing will happen to you omkarajii when I'm alive "

 She looked to om with her tearful eyes and said to herself in mind "nothing will happen to you omkarajii when I'm alive "

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Saying this she ran to her room.

Om was standing like dead..... Is he going to lose his gauri forever .....he still can't believe that her gauri said yes for a marriage.

To be continued

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To be continued.......

Happy kiss day to all my readers ...... If possible I will give u a Valentine's day special update..... Im not sure.... Bt will try
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